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January 19, 2023


Notes from the Director's Chair:

2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards Open for Entries

The 2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards program is now open for entries. Entries will be accepted until April 28. There are some new or changed categories this year to reflect the trends in genre so check the entry form carefully. Plus, we have stream-lined the entry process with a unified (combined) entry form for all entries, both print and ebook. And best of all we have reduced the price of entries by 10% from $50 each category to $45 and reduced the number of copies of print entries needed from three copies to two copies.


Every year we have actively solicited new (and returning) judges to help make this awards program work. Once again, we need judges and anyone can be a judge (as long as you do not judge books in a category that you might enter)! You can pick as many categories as you feel comfortable handling. You can also put a limit on the total number of books you are willing to take on.

Judges will start getting books to judge shortly after the entires come in. The bulk of judging books will go out in April and May. Judges have until August 1 to complete the judging process. We provide judging forms and you can take a peek at them on our website HERE

If you want to be a judge, please email me at and let me know what categories you are interested in. Email if you have any questions.

Thanks to all of you! — Paul Rhetts


The main mission of the NM Book Co-op is to foster community and support for authors and publishers and books. Our goal is to see each of you again when it is safe.

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