Exodus: Gods and Kings continues! This weekend: The Burning Bush It's one of the most famous stories in the Bible. Moses sees a bush. It's on fire


Exodus: Gods and Kings continues!

This weekend: The Burning Bush

It's one of the most famous stories in the Bible.

Moses sees a bush.
It's on fire.
And talking.
And not burning up.
And telling him to take off his shoes.
Umm... okayyyy?
Then, God asks him to do something extraordinarily difficult.

His response changed the world.

Come explore the story of the burning bush with us this weekend.
See how it can change your life!

Did you miss last weekend's introduction to the Exodus story?
Catch up here:


Exodus: Gods and Kings - Week 1

We are kicking off the first 40 days of 2015
by reading a Bible verse each day that points us
to faith & the freedom Jesus offers.

You're welcome to join us!
Get the whole list on Pastor Eric's blog HERE.

FoundMyWorth Cover

CROSSING CREATIVE is releasing their second album Found My Worth the weekend of Jan 24/25!

To celebrate, we're also having a Release Party & Worship Night on Tues, Jan 27 @ 6:43 pm. It's free & everyone is welcome! Childcare will be available for kiddos ages 5 & under.

CLICK HERE for a sneak peek of the new album!


We'll see you this weekend!



CLICK HERE to contribute to life change at The Crossing!

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