newsletter 2

"Pisces" by Teo Olivieri (linked)

New Moon in Pisces, Sunday, March 10th, 2024

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

I love you (yes YOU!), and I hope you are well! Are you struggling? Angry? Overwhelmed? Then get some help. Get some help, then you can stop the "oh poor me" and help the poor. If you wanna be free, then serve selflessly!

Today is Friday, March 8th and we have clear skies and warm weather in The Big Apple for the first time this week. I was even able to hit the courts across the street and do a nice basketball workout this morning!

This New Moon in Pisces is a Super Moon (closest to earth) which kicks off a deeply transformational lunar cycle that bridges Winter into Spring. The Spring Equinox falls on Tuesday, March 19th at 11:06pm EDT when the Sun enters Aries. (Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend).

Also within this lunation we have the first eclipse of the year, a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon in Libra on Monday, March 25th.

Eclipses always come in pairs and the next one is the one everyone's talking about, because it's a Total Solar Eclipse that falls on the New Moon in Aries on April 8th. It's path crosses the USA diagonally from Texas up through New York State, then all the way to Maine. In the USA, totality will begin in Texas at 1:27 pm CDT and will end in Maine at 3:35 pm EDT on April 8, 2024. The eclipse glasses are flying off the shelves, and we can be sure that this eclipse will not only be viewed by millions, but will have a direct effect on our national psyche, which is facing huge challenges this year. (more on the energies in Message Of The Stars which will be posted in the next send).

I hope you can join one or more of these unbelievably incredible offerings which if you miss, you will regret it for the rest of your life (just kidding!)) -

The Free Community Clinic at The Point today, Saturday, March 9th, 10:30am - 4pm (arrive by 3pm for treatment) Free acupuncture, Reiki and body work.

The Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing Pisces New Moon Freedom Session on Sunday, March 10th. See details below on Bulletin Board

Reiki Master Teacher Classes - this class will be taught on 4 weeknights, 3 hrs. each night, 7 - 10pm - March 19th, 20th, 26th & 27th
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 3/30
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 2 - 4/20 & 4/21 - keep in mind that if you cannot take scheduled weekend classes, we can schedule a private class for you at a time that works for us. I often do these in 3 hr. portions on weeknights, online or at your residence.
For details of Reiki class curriculum and fees see my classes page
For details of Angelic Liquid Light Healing® class curriculum and fees go here
You may qualify for scholarships or discounts for these classes!

Zodiac Vortex

Message Of The Stars

Thr chart for this New Moon paints a picture of potent possibilities to open and expand into higher levels of fulfillment. Intentional seeds planted in the fertile Spring soil of the subconscious mind will sprout as we pass through the Equinox portal on March 19th, and the upcoming eclipses on 3/25 & 4/8.

Their is a huge positive timeline shift beginning today. We just had a massive X-Ray M7.4 Soular Flare (they're usually M1 - M2), a blessing that anoints this beautiful New Moon with Pisces compassion and surrender into divinity.

Piscean go-with-the-flowness is amped up by Neptune and Saturn in Pisces conjunct Sun-Moon in Pisces. We feel creatively inspired and intuitively empowered and our hearts sing with love and compassion. Yes Pisces, really is that beautiful at it's best, so if you're feeling down and out / gloom and doom, give yourself a break! Make a gratitude list and listen to that special music or watch that special movie that brings bliss tears, or call up that special friend cheers you up and makes you laugh.

Pluto In 1 Aquarius sextile Neptune in 27 Pisces and Mercury in 0 Aries helps us shed illusions and beliefs that have gone past their expiration dates. It's time to freshen up, lighten up and level up!

The Jupiter - Uranus conjunction in Taurus square the Mars - Venus conjunction in Aquarius challenges us to step out of our self imposed, self sabotaging beliefs and conditioning that keep us stuck in bad habits, negative thinking, cynicism, scarcity consciousness and judging ourselves or others. We need to unconditionally love, forgive and accept ourselves so we can marry ourselves and have inner peace and unity and harmony with All That Is.

Jupiter and Uranus are 6 degrees apart today. They will be exactly conjunct in 21 degrees Taurus on April 21st, serving as an exclamation point on the latest episode of the planetary ascension process.

We're already feeling the beginnings of the Equinox / Eclipse cycle / Jupiter - Uranus conjunction breakthrough. It's as if we've been unjustly convicted of a crime we didn't commit, then been vindicated by a successful appeal, seen the corrupt police, judge, prosecutor, rigged jury, and false witnesses arrested, and been released from jail with full financial restitution of all fines, legal fees and loss of income.



Maha Shivaratri

After sending this newsletter, I will chant Om Namah Shivaya on my mala beads in celebration of Maha Shivaratri, one of the most important holy days in Hinduism. Mantra meditation is something I take very seriously. I do at least 45 - 60 min of mantras every day without fail. I'm currently on the 37th day of a 45 day process in which I chant 3 rounds of the Shakti Gayatri mantra a day.

I must've had at least one past life as a Yogi in India because I feel much more at home in a Hindu or Buddhist temple than in a Christian church. Of course I am 1/4 Japanese which explains a lot, especially my love of Reiki, which originated in Japan.

I was raised Christian and I have no problem with Jesus, who is one of my spirit guides. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite Hindu teachers was Swami Kaleshwar, who called Jesus "The Big Boss" (I agree). I never met Swami in person (he died in 2012), but I studied with one of his most advanced students for a couple years here in NYC - Mohini Arlene Broska, a wonderful teacher.

Shiva is one of the Gods of the Hindu trinity - Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver of goodness) and Shiva (Transformer / Evolver). These Gods are the macrocosmic aspects of the microcosmic Divine Spirit Soul within us. They each have a feminine counterpart - Saraswati (Brahma), Lakshmi (Vishnu) and Parvati (Shiva).

Swami Kaleshwar had a past life with Jesus in which Jesus made him promise 5 times that he would reincarnate in our time and give the sacred teachings to the world to help us enter the Golden Age.

In his recent life in India, Shirdi Sai Baba. one of the greatest saints to ever live on Earth, appeared to him as a beggar when Swami was 14 yrs. old. Swami was sitting in the ruins of a small deserted temple when the saint, who had been dead for 100 yrs approached him asking him for money. When Swami gave him some rupees, Shirdi Sai Baba said "I've been waiting for you!" and gave Swami a powerful divine energy transmission that enlightened him.

Swami Kaleshwar

Swami Kaleshwar

Swami's awakening enabled him to fulfill his mission on Earth. He attracted many students from all over the world and built a big beautiful Ashram in Penukonda, India. He gave the sacred teachings and performed many miracles of healing.

Jesus appears physically to at least one person on earth every day. One night when my teacher Mohini was at the ashram in India studying with Swami, he told his students that they would have a special blessing. He sent the students one by one into the Jesus chapel to meet Jesus in person. Mohini was able to have a brief private meeting with Jesus in which he gave her a Shivalingam stone. Mohini brought the stone to one of our gatherings in NYC and allowed us to pour water over it and take the water home with us.

Swami Kaleshwar knew that he would leave his body at the age of 36. He is survived by his wife and daughter who carry on his work at the Penukonda ashram. I sent them a donation yesterday to support their free medical and eye surgery clinics for the poor.

Swami was a devotee of Jesus, Shirdi Sai Baba, and last but not least, Divine Mother in all her forms. her are some quotes from his website -

"Mother is mother to every soul in this universe. She doesn’t belong to any religion at all. The Mother is the universal God/Goddess. Period."


"The Mother is the top, top supernatural character on this planet. Everything came from Her—the bad and the good. I am not saying it in a blaming way, but one part is true, is fact—She created the tiger, She created the lamb."


"My deeper aim is to send everyone to Mother. The one goal is to connect to Mother Divine, to have the desire to hook Her. Once you enter into your Mother’s home, She will take care of you and give you what you really want. Then you can demand whatever delicious food you want to eat from Her. If She has the patience She’ll cook it for you; otherwise She will cook you. Just enter into the house then She will take care."


"To see Mother Divine, your eyes have to be open. One hundred percent you have to see Her with your physical eyes. That’s the most important. If you’re not seeing Her with your physical eyes, you’re self-hypnotized. I don’t agree with that. I’m not that kind of teacher in your life. ‘Swami, I’m meditating, I’m seeing beautiful visions,’ that’s good, it’s fine, it’s okay, but I’m not talking about seeing Mother Divine as a vision. You have to see Her with your two eyes open."


"There is one golden statement to every person in the universe. If you’re born as a human body, even though you’re connecting to a lot of (supernatural) things, advices from Master, but if you’ve seen Mother Divine then you’ve reached the top rank. From there, to develop your abilities it’s in your hands. Even though you’re developing your abilities, there isn’t a 100% guarantee that Mother Divine leaves you, “Okay, do whatever you want.” She will hold you. Why She holds means…after She’s holding and holding, then if She drops you your life is like a beautiful message on this planet. 100%".


"(Once you’ve seen Mahakali) you can command, you can wash out anyone’s negativity and you can heal any person in the universe. Her energy is the peak top point, the top system in the universe. If you hook Her, Her energy purifies you. When you’re walking in the garden even the air you breathe in and breathe out is purified. No more negative spirits come around there—to be honest, no chance at all. Especially with that vibration, that energy, no chance. That power is hidden there. The most creating form of Mother Divine means Mahakali."

"Swami on Selfless Service"

"Everybody needs to create peace on the globe. Everyone needs to take care of someone’s pain. Even though you have a lot of problems, when someone is in trouble you have to help them. We all need to take care of each other."

"You need to develop your heart and your soul to have a helping nature. Without your notice, your mind and your heart and your soul will turn you into a person of pure love. Wherever pure true love is, there is God. Without your notice, He will stay in you. He’s around you."

"When you eat a beautiful meal today, whatever you wasted, try to think about five people who are hungry. On the globe, five people are really hungry, starving. It doesn’t matter wherever you’re going to be born in your next lifetime, today you’re eating delicious food. You don’t know if you’ll be able to have that delicious food again next month. Maybe your liver will get damaged and the doctors will advise you not to eat this type of food anymore."

Angelic LL Pisces New Moon 2024

Bulletin Board

Upcoming Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Freedom sessions -
Pisces New Moon - Sun. 3/10
Spring Equinox - Tues. 3/19
Full Moon in Libra - Sun. March 24th

These sessions start with a 7:30 - 8pm EDT conference call followed by an 8 - 9pm EDT distant healing. In order to register, email me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list, and if you have pets you'd like to add to the list, tell me their names and what type of animal they are. Mother Divine, Ascended Masters and the Angelic realm will assist us in these sessions, which will help us release blocks that prevent us from becoming free self-sovereign creators of our personal realities and having abundant fulfillment in all aspects of our lives.

We are in an accelerated phase of activation, transformation, rectification and awakening now, and the Divine Mother Love and Angelic healing energies of the Angelic Liquid Light Healing® modality will help us feel deeply loved, loving, safe and supported in the midst of the unprecedented challenges that we face as we create "heaven on Earth".

These sessions are free to all but if you like them and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to, Cash App to 646 505 9798 or if you can't use them, use Paypal via the Buy Now button on my contact page - (and if you can't use PayPal snail mail me a check!!)

Our next Free Community Clinic at The Point in the S. Bronx is scheduled for Sat., March 9th. We offer free Reiki, community model acupuncture and sometimes body work and reflexology (foot massage). Everyone is welcome. Peter Panken LAc, Mark Keubel LAc. and I have been holding this clinic once a month since 2008. We start at 10:30am ET and end at 4pm ET but arrive by 3pm if you want a treatment. Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer as a Reiki provider!

The VortexHealing® Ancestral healing Session #3 happens on Thurs. 3/28 $20, 7:15pm ET conference call, 7:45 - 8:45pm healing. RSVP to join and receive conference call numbers and instructions for the session. The first session was very powerful with lots of personal, ancestral and collective trauma release.
Session 3 - , Being Ignored or Blocked, Thurs. March 28th, $20
Session 4- Loneliness, Thurs. May 2nd, $20
Session 5 - 90 Min. Super Session , Thurs. May. 30th, $27

My next Deer Spirit Reiki Circle at Moxi Wellness will be held on Sat., April 6th 598 Broadway NYC, 12th Fl., 5pm - 7:15pm EDT, $25. Door locks at 5:30pm when the meditation begins. It is open to Reiki students all levels and lineages as well as a limited number of non - Reiki students who want to receive treatment and learn more about Reiki. Please do not come if you are contagiously ill or have tested positive for covid. This event is held on the 1st Saturday of every month.

My Free Conference Call Reiki circle will be held every Monday night from 7pm - 8pm EST. We'll do some guided meditation, self Reiki, Reiki for each other and Reiki for world peace. You can also use Angelic Liquid Light Healing™ or VortexHealing® in the circle if you like. The conference call numbers are 917 444 9040, conference ID 818181#. If you want a call in number for location outside the NYC area or for another country, go to the Turbobridge website and click on the Call - In Numbers tab. You don't need to rsvp for this event; just call in at 7pm. These circles are free to all but if you like it and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or PayPal via the Buy Now button on the contact page of my website. You are welcome to join the circle if you are not trained in an energy healing modality.

The world is not coming at you it s coming FROM you 3

New Moon Intentions & Quantum Manifestation

The New Moon is the most potent time of the month to set intentions because the subconscious mind is more receptive and your intentions (software) are more easily downloaded into the subconscious mind (hard drive). Here's how you do the New Moon Intentions 5 Elements Ritual™ -
- Write intentions list in the form of affirmations - I am always safe wherever I am and whatever I do, I am very successful in my work. My finances are always improving, etc. .....
- Ether Element - place list on altar (gesture of turning it over to the divine to be blessed, supported and made manifest)
- Fire Element - on the day of New Moon burn list and save the ashes in an envelope.
- Air Element - smoke of burning list sends intentions up into the air / heaven
- Earth Element - take ashes, bury them outside in the earth with a seed (flower seed, acorn, any kind of seed)
- Water Element - water the ashes / seed. (You can make "holy water" by saying prayer over it, charging it with Reiki)

Whether you do the 5 elements ritual or not, what's most important is that you practice the techniques of -

Conscious Intentional Creation of Reality™ -

▪ Set intentions (mental setting, like setting alarm clock, or setting rudder and sails on a sailboat)
▪ Action - Do what needs to done, show up on time. Practice rigorous self care every day.
▪ Don't worry about results. Let Go, Let God!
▪ Imagination - imagine and feel that your intentions have manifested. Imagination is creative, feelings are magnetic and they attract your dreams into reality.
▪ Be The Receptive Magnetic Empty Vessel - All fears, doubts, negative beliefs and conditioning, bad habits must be dumped out of the vessel so that it's empty, clean and clear, ready to be filled with fulfillment. Do not identify with your issues and karma - they are not who you are. Affirmation - I am the medicine not the disease, I am the solution not the problem, I am the infinite eternal divine, acting as if I am a person!
"Love tells me I am everything, wisdom tells me I am nothing" - Nisargadatta
▪ Be the Hunter Gatherer - stay in the moment, be vigilant, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise and receive / achieve abundant fulfillment
▪ Proceed with the belief that things can turn out even better than you can imagine.
Set intentions (mental setting, like setting alarm clock, or setting rudder and sails on a sailboat)
Action - Do what needs to done, show up on time. Practice rigorous self care every day.
Don't worry about results. Let Go, Let God!
Imagination - imagine and feel that your intentions have manifested. Imagination is creative, feelings are magnetic and they attract your dreams into reality.
Be The Receptive Magnetic Empty Vessel - All fears, doubts, negative beliefs and conditioning, bad habits must be dumped out of the vessel so that it's empty, clean and clear, ready to be filled with fulfillment. Do not identify with your issues and karma - they are not who you are. Affirmation - I am the medicine not the disease, I am the solution not the problem, I am the infinite eternal divine, acting as if I am a person!
"Love tells me I am everything, wisdom tells me I am nothing" - Nisargadatta
Be the Hunter Gatherer - stay in the moment, be vigilant, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise and receive / achieve abundant fulfillment
Proceed with the belief that things can turn out even better than you can imagine.
Deer doe

Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence

Services, Classes & Special Programs

Reiki Sessions at Moxi Wellness - $225 for 60min.,
3 sessions - $630,
5 sessions - $900

Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot at Moxi Wellness $270 for 90min., $225 for 60 min.

60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot & 60 min. Reiki Session at Moxi Wellness - $450

Distant Healing Sessions via Phone or Video Call - $180 for 90 min., $450 for 3 sessions,
$144 for 60 min., 3 sessions $405
$108 for 45 min. 3 sessions $270

Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot via Phone or Video Conference - $225 for 90 min. or 180 for 60 min, (it gets recorded),

60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot & 60 min. Reiki Healing via Phone or Video Conference - $360

House Call or Hospital Healing Sessions - $225 for 60 min., 3 sessions $540 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)

Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

2024 Reiki & Angelic Liquid Light Class Schedule All my classes are taught on the Webex video conference platform.
Reiki Master Teacher - 3/16 & 3/17
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 3/30
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 4/20 & 4/21
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 5/18 & 5/19
Reiki Level 3 - 6/22
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 7/20
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 8/17 & 8/18
Reiki Master Teacher - 9/28 & 9/29
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 10/26 & 10/27
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 11/23
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 12/10, 12/11 & 12/17 (evenings, 7 - 9:30pm ET)
see the classes page of my site for details of curriculum and fees

Karuna Reiki® is taught by private appt. online or at your residence only.

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3, and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidate's general fulfillment in life and success as a Reiki healer and teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions. I am accepting applications for an apprentice who would start working with me as soon as they are ready.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $360.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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