
The Resurrected King Is Resurrecting Me!

I love Easter!

New life is on display all around us! The message of hope is awakened, the promise of peace prevails and we are reminded that everything is possible. Each of us receives our own expression of these things and we celebrate them equally.

This week I crafted several thoughts to remind myself and others of what the message of Easter communicates to us.

Easter clearly expresses that everything is possible ...

▪ so get ready for unexpected blessings, to come out of the unknown, in the most unplanned kind of way
▪ so it is never too late, never too big and nothing is ever beyond His reach
▪ so every old thing is made new, every hurt is healed and every impossible thing is made possible
▪ Christ Is Risen ... that is the message of the moment ... and one that will endure eternally
so get ready for unexpected blessings, to come out of the unknown, in the most unplanned kind of way
so it is never too late, never too big and nothing is ever beyond His reach
so every old thing is made new, every hurt is healed and every impossible thing is made possible
Christ Is Risen ... that is the message of the moment ... and one that will endure eternally

For the last 40 days, I have been nurturing my heart to be receptive to the realities of the resurrection by reading focused devotionals, considering selected passages of scripture and basing my prayers and reflections on the redemptive and restorative work of Christ.

While my heart has been inspired by many thoughts, this is one that has captured me ...
The Resurrected King Is Resurrecting Me!

In reality, this was the theme message of Chicago Tabernacle, which is the home church for my daughter Kristi and her family. Kari and I were honored to be there last Sunday and this message resonated in the hearts of that congregation.

They shared video testimonials of congregants and every story ended in the same way. Every person shared about a personal struggle and ultimate victory, then smiled beautifully and personally proclaimed ...
The Resurrected King Is Resurrecting Me!

That service inspired me and the impact of every word and song has made this Holy Week intensely powerful for me.

I am keenly aware that my life has been made new in the very same kind of way ... and yours can be as well.

My heart is renewed, my spirit refreshed and my soul reconciled to God! I am at peace and I know that all is well ... not because of anything that I have done but exclusively because of all that He has done.

The Resurrected King Is Resurrecting Me!

This is my Easter message ... and I so want it to be yours as well.

He Is Risen ... He Is Risen Indeed!
- Terry -

Take a moment to listen to this song, take in every word ... and say yes ... to Him in all of His glory and goodness!

The resurrected king is resurrecting me

Thank you for standing with us ... always and in every way!




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Pray Over Each Other


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