November 6, 2014Fearless Parent News Fearless Parent Blog Pondering Vitamin D We received lots of lively comments about our recent post on vitami


November 6, 2014

Fearless Parent News

supplementing vitamin D blog image

Fearless Parent Blog

Pondering Vitamin D

We received lots of lively comments about our recent post on vitamin D supplementation. We stand by our goal to share information, stimulate conversation, and promote further inquiry into this complex and important topic. Click on the image and scroll down to the bottom of the post to find the comments and more resources.

To be clear, we are not telling people to stop supplementing D. But we are saying that it's probably not so simple either. Telling everyone to supplement D -- sometimes at very high levels -- on the basis of a single test until they achieve a simple targeted level is one-size-fits-all medicine. If you are chronically ill, if your ongoing treatment plans don't seem to square with your low/plummeting D levels, if you're taking mega doses of D and not getting better, it may be worth doing some research, discussing it with your health practitioner, and networking with people who are asking similar questions.

Chronic illness is the new American way, for adults and children. When things aren't going right, we have to be willing to try something different. I'm grateful to clinicians and researchers who push the envelope and risk condemnation to advance our knowledge. This kind of pioneering work helped me to help my kids.

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Nov 12

Fearless Parent Radio

Upcoming Show

Parents say kids are spoiled and think money grows on trees. But this is only half the story. The truth is that kids have front row seats to their parents' financial dramas. Half of adults don't pay credit cards in full each month and 25% have no emergency savings. Children who don't understand money grow up to be adults who don't understand money. Time for some smart money lessons. Guest Rachel Ramsey Cruze. With Louise Kuo Habakus. Our 11/12 show >>


Nov 5

Archived Shows

49: When Killer Pain is Endometriosis

“Every month, when my daughter's period comes, she misses school and is in absolute agony.” Is this normal? Pain is the body’s way of saying something is wrong. Excessively painful periods, month after month, might be endometriosis. Guest Philippa Bridge-Cook, PhD. With Chandler Marrs, PhD. Our 11/5 show>>


Oct 29

48: Vaccines and GMOs

What does the latest research really say about why kids are so sick today, with autism, allergies, ADHD, and sleep problems? Could these disorders be connected? Where are the biggest areas of disconnect between the scientific literature and what we read in the mainstream press about food and vaccines? Does she really believe that, at today’s growth rate, 1 in 2 children will have autism by 2025? Guest Stephanie Seneff, PhD. With Kelly Brogan, MD. Our 1029 show >>

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Oct 22

47: Origins of Lyme Disease

Something is making you sick, then your kids. Doctors have no answers and worse, exhibit hostility, rejection, and no sense of urgency to help. Polly Murray and her family were Ground Zero to the Lyme Disease epidemic. Her story is riveting and inspiring. There are parallels with modern day chronic disorders (autism comes to mind) and offers hope to parents engaged in a similar battle for recognition and resources towards prevention, treatment, and a cure. Guests: Alex and Wendy Murray. With Mary Coyle, DIHom. Our 10/22 show >>

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Oct 15

46: Reversing ADHD Without Meds

11% of kids ages 4-17 have an ADHD diagnosis (1 in 5 boys). Schools want them medicated and doctors are too willing to oblige. Concerned about serious side effects, parents are opting for safe and natural healing modalities outside of the pharma model. Guest Jenn Kozek, LPC recovered her son from ADHD and apraxia. The solutions can apply to children with depression, OCD, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorders. With Beth Lambert. Our 10/15 show >>

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Oct 8

45: Psychedelics and Brain Chemistry

Psychedelics are psychoactive substances that produce hallucinations and an expansion of consciousness. Scientists are investigating their use for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and addiction. Cool, right? So what’s it like to be on DMT? What’s the neurochemical basis for experience? Does our brain chemistry allow entrance into other realms of existence? What is the utility of this and is it something we can control? Guest Rick Strassman, MD. With Toni Bark, MD. Our 10/8 show>>


Be fearless.

The Fearless Parent Team

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