UK Hajj & Umrah Newsletter - August 2016 Dear Friends, Assalamu alaikum May the Peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon you. Re: Hajj 2016 As

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UK Hajj & Umrah Newsletter - August 2016

Dear Friends,

Assalamu alaikum

May the Peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon you.

Re: Hajj 2016

Aspiring British Muslims embarking on the upcoming Hajj pilgrimage have been given training on how to perform the rituals for the Journey of a lifetime. The training was delivered by qualified scholars over a series of events hosted in towns and cities across the United Kingdom. Hundreds attended eagerly to learn about Hajj with Doctors and travel industry experts delivering health & safety advice too.

Below you will finds links to some very useful information and Hajj training videos. Please view and share them with friends and family so that they get the best out of their Hajj & Umrah pilgrimage.

The first batch of British pilgrims left this week, and we wish them and everyone travelling out over the coming weeks a safe journey and an accepted Hajj.

Thank You
We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the Consulate section at the Saudi Embassy in London for their assistance in processing pilgrims Hajj visas and their service to the guest of Almighty Allah. We also extend our thanks to all our partners for their continued support during the pilgrimage season of 1437H. May Allah bless you all.

With kind regards,
Shamim Ali
Chief Marketing Officer

Yunus Dudhwala

Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala delivers the Hajj Seminar & Training 2016

VIDEO 2016: How to Perform Hajj with Health & Safety at Hajj Advice

Recorded Live at our London Event 2016

Part 1 - Intro, Quranic Recitation, Health & Safety Advice

Part 2 - Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala

Part 3 - Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala


FREE Hajj Guides

FREE Hajj Guides

Thank you to the Saudi Embassy in London for the FREE Hajj Guides. Available in English, Urdu & Bengali.

For your FREE copy, please email


Health at Hajj 2016 Guide

Top advice on the health risks and precautions you can take for a healthy Hajj.

Download Now


Hajj Checklist 2016

Download this extensive checklist and don't miss packing all your Hajj & Umrah essentials.

Download Now


FCO HAJJ ADVICE 2016 #TravelAware #HajiUK

Earlier this week, our team participated in a LIVE Q&A with the new British Conulate General in Jeddah Mr Barrie Peach. Use the hashtag #HajiUK to find out more. We would like to extend our best wishes to the new CG. A big thank you to the outgoing CG Mr Shokat for his support over the years and that to British Hajjis during his tenure, it was a pleasure to work with you.

2015 Hajj - Travel Aware Branded Poster - Digital PNG

FCO Hajj Advice 2016


Hajj & Umrah Fraud

Booking a Hajj Package?

Follow these simple steps to avoid falling victim to Hajj Fraud!

Do your research – Don’t book without carrying out some basic checks on your travel agency/tour operator.
If you are booking a flight-based package make sure your travel company is ATOL (Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing).
Get everything in writing and make sure your flight details, accommodation and Umrah visa are valid.

Read More


British Muslims All Geared Up For Hajj 2016

Hajj is a journey of faith and one which every abled Muslim male and female, who has the financial means, is mature and sane must perform at least once in their lifetime. Around 19,000 British pilgrims are expected to travel to Makkah, Saudi Arabia for Hajj. This year Hajj takes place 12th-16th September.



#HajiUK be #TravelAware

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