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August News: Reopened after Relocation!


Studio Space at the IPRC's new 318 SE Main St. location

After a month and a half of packing, moving, cleaning, painting, unpacking, reshelving, organizing and settling in, we are reopen and it feels so glorious! With the exception of our screenprinting studio, we are back to our regular schedule with some slight changes in our hours of operation. Come in for a tour of the new space, and be sure to save the date for our grand re-opening party on September 9th!

In other summer news, when we weren't busy moving, we were:

▪ out at Milepost 5 for our weeklong Show:Tell Camp for Teen Writers and Artists
▪ hard at work on a newsletter project in partnership with CRCI's Liberation Literacy reading group
▪ and partnering with the Multnomah County Rockwood Library makerspace to bring a week of screenprinting workshops to their summer camps
out at Milepost 5 for our weeklong Show:Tell Camp for Teen Writers and Artists
hard at work on a newsletter project in partnership with CRCI's Liberation Literacy reading group
and partnering with the Multnomah County Rockwood Library makerspace to bring a week of screenprinting workshops to their summer camps

Tabling at the Portland Zine Symposium at the Jade/APANO Multicultural Space was another highlight of the summer. Students from the Comics Certificate Program and Show:Tell Teen Camp held down the IPRC table at the bustling zine fair on Saturday and Sunday, and we were especially honored to be included in the PZS panel on "Fostering Creativity Through DIY Community Spaces" alongside City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, Carlee Smith of Artist's Milepost and Daylynn Lambi of Marrow PDX.

Finally, this past July marked the last month of Caitlin Harris's tenure as Letterpress Studio Manager. We're so grateful for her unflagging commitment to the IPRC community and letterpress studio over the last 7 years, and it is with gratitude that we wish her the best in her new adventure pursuing an MFA at Boise State University.

Coming up in August, we are looking forward to the graduation of the Comics Certificate Program Students, and we are currently taking applications through August 14th for the 2017 / 2018 Certificate Program. Read on to meet our new Letterpress Studio Manager John Akira Harrold, as well as new Certificate Program Instructor Margaret Malone!


Studio Space at 318 SE Main St.


Community Updates


Announcing new Letterpress Studion Manager

Please welcome our new Letterpress Studio Manager, John Akira Harrold! John has been an integral part of the IPRC community since 2014, and we're thrilled to have him as a new staff member.

John Akira Harrold is a multidisciplinary artist, educator, and organizer who is interested in connecting people – both artist and non – with the resources they need to develop artistically. Before joining the IPRC John had a career working for social justice organizations and was a volunteer in the IPRC letterpress studio. He is currently interested in developing relationships between the world(s) of print, design, and social practice. When he's not at the IPRC, John runs Pur Dubois Press, a creative studio in southeast Portland that focuses on risograph printing and contemporary design.


Certificate Program News


Announcing new Certificate Program Instructor!

We are very excited to announce that Margaret Malone will be joining us to teach Prose in the Certificate Program!

Margaret Malone is the author of the story collection PEOPLE LIKE YOU, a Finalist for the 2016 PEN Hemingway Award and Winner of the 2016 Balcones Fiction Prize. Her non-fiction has been published in The Missouri Review, The Masters Review, Oregon Humanities, Portland Review and elsewhere. A co-host of the artist and literary gathering SHARE, Margaret lives in
Portland with her husband and two children.

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Certificate Program Application Deadline

We are currently accepting applications for the 2017 / 2018 Certificate Program through August 14th. More information about the program and application guidelines can be found online. Email Certificate Program Director Haji Quinn at with any questions


Community Events

Lib Lit Newsletter July 2017

Liberation Literacy Newsletter

The IPRC has just launched a project to create a newsletter with the Liberation Literacy Reading Group at CRCI. The first issue is hot off the press and can be picked up at the IPRC.

The Liberation Literacy Reading Group is a racial justice reading group at Columbia River Correctional Institute (CRCI) that began in October 2016. The group is a combination of inside and outside students who read one book monthly with the goal of building community and starting new conversations which combat the isolation experienced by prisoners and amplify their civic and political voice.

All texts are available at no cost to inside students from the Freedom Library, which now holds nearly 500 books at the CRCI law library, largely thanks to a successful book drive by students at Catlin Gabel. For more information about how to get involved email John Harrold at

ShowTell CommCircle

Show:Tell Camp for Teen Writers and Artists
Monday, July 17th-Saturday, July 22nd

This year's Show:Tell Teen Camp was the epitome of our mission to learn, make, share (and repeat). For six days teen campers took workshops in poetry, creative nonfiction, comics, genre fiction, spoken word poetry, and had the opportunity in letterpress and bookarts workshops to transform their creative writing into books and visual art. Visiting writers this year included Mindy Nettifee, Stephanie Adams-Santos, Alicia Jo Rabins and Sione Aesliman.

For more information on youth programs contact Haji Quinn at and

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Outreach at the Multnomah County Rockwood Library Makerspace!

IPRC Instructor Anna Knecht Schwarzer had a fabulous time bringing screenprinting workshops to a teen camp at the Multnomah County Rockwood Library maker space.

For more information about Outreach engagements contact Haji Quinn at


IPRC New Open Hours

Please note our new open hours:
Monday-Thursday 12-9pm
Friday/Saturday/Sunday 12-6pm
Check our website for updates on new letterpress area open hours.

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