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Featured Candidates & Positions

December 2018

Welcome to our last Newsletter of 2018!

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First, we'd like to wish all of our readers a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year! We appreciate your continuing support by following our monthly newsletter.

For many of us, as the end of the year approaches, so do the performance reviews. For our last newsletter of 2018, we cover how to best prepare for a performance review - both from the reviewees' perspective, as well as the reviewers' perspective. But first, here are our featured candidates and positions.


Featured Candidates for Employers

Quality Director, Americas

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This candidate has broad experience on all sides of quality including manufacturing, problem solving, customer quality, corporate quality, and quality systems development. This person has experience in two different industries – high volume automotive parts manufacturing as well as aerospace systems for commercial and defense applications with multi-billion dollar companies. This candidate has proven leadership skills including cross functional leadership of global teams, as well as building teams of direct reports spread out over the Americas. This person can easily relocate to anywhere in the continental USA. Please contact or call +1-313-887-8300 ex. 103 for more information.

Mainland China based Plant General Manager

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This candidate is a Chinese national who has previously spent 12 years in the USA working for a large manufacturer. Currently based in China, this person has grown an automotive parts facility from sales of $12 Million USD to current sales of $80 Million USD; while improving safety, quality, cost and delivery. This candidate has worked for three different USA-based companies over the course of a 19 year career. This person is willing to consider opportunities within China - from Suzhou and Shanghai south to Shenzhen. This person has a mechanical engineering degree and an MBA from a US school. Please contact or call +1-313-887-8300 ex. 102 for more information.


Featured Positions for Job Seekers

Ontario Canada based Plant General Manager (with a $2 Billion global manufacturing company)

In this role, you will lead a manufacturing team on a campus with 2 facilities that are producing products direct to Honda, FCA, Ford, and GM. The plant is currently very profitable and has a healthy new business outlook - with new programs coming in for the next 5 years. You will lead all aspects of the operations including production, engineering, HR, finance, quality, materials, etc. There is a good team in place built up by the incumbent who is taking an advancement in his career. You will report to the COO of this organization, which is widely known as the global leader in its product and technology area. Email for more details or call +1-313-887-8300 ex. 102.

Export Control Empowered Official

This is a chance to join a phenomenal organization. We have worked with this company to place dozens of people over the last 7 years and, by all accounts, it is an organization full of opportunity and growth. In this role, you will ensure legal entity compliance with applicable export control laws and regulations, import/export authorizations and permits and corporate policies regarding export control. You will also assist the Regional Export Control Manager with day-to-day activity, as well as with special projects. These responsibilities will include supporting the implementation and maintenance of the corporation’s export compliance program, monitoring regulatory and agreement compliance as well as applying for and/or maintaining government export authorizations. You will also provide export control training with the business and support the product and technology jurisdiction and classification process. Email for more details or call +1-313-887-8300 ex. 101.

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The Annual Performance Review: Ways to prepare for, and even look forward to it

There is a great divide on the topic of annual performance reviews and whether they belong in today's workplace. Some believe that performance reviews are outdated (Forbes) and ineffective ( And yet, many companies continue the practice and allocate some level of importance to them. While the annual performance review might be going through a makeover to better reflect today's dynamic workplaces, it continues to hold some relevance.

No one enjoys performance reviews, which is perhaps why there is some backlash against the practice these days. We believe however, that if all participants arrive with some level of preparation, then it's easier to see the value in the process. Here is a collection of the best ways to prepare for an annual performance review - for both those giving the review and those receiving the review.

Preparation Tips for the Reviewer

Being Clear and Concise - Starting at Hiring
Clear descriptions of job responsibilities, expectations, and how performance will be measured should be listed in the job description. This will continuously be referred back to at performance reviews so the more detailed, the better. In addition, all new goals and expectations that are set at year end reviews should be typed out, and shared as a record between employee and manager to refer back to.

Conduct Regular Check-Ins
There should be no surprises for employees at their annual reviews, as feedback should be given at regular intervals. Actual problems should be addressed as they occur. Notes from your regularly scheduled check-ins will become great content to work with when piecing together the annual review.

Keep Notes Throughout The Year
Keep records that include discussions on performance, feedback from customers or fellow employees, attendance records, or other statistics. This helps to prevent any "Recency Errors" where recent performance offsets your view of the entire year's performance. Records should be part quantitative and part qualitative.

Ask for Self-Assessment in Advance
This makes the employee feel that they have a say in the process. It also challenges him or her to take an honest look at their contributions. It also may help to uncover important items that you might have overlooked.

Have Examples Ready
For each piece of feedback you give to your employee, it should be backed up by actual examples from throughout the year.

Preparation Tips for the Employee

Refresh Your Memory
Review all formal goals for the past year, as well as your job description from when your first started the position.

Collect Performance Data
Skim through your calendar over the past year as well as through emails. This will help you to remember all achievements and challenges that occurred. Collect any objective data you can. Collect records to back up all of your accomplishments (ex. letters from customers, emails, certificates, recognition's, awards). Don't just focus on the last few months.

Track Goal Achievements
For each of your listed goals from last year's review, be prepared with what you have accomplished, how you accomplished it, as well as what you learned during the process.

Conduct a Self-Evaluation
Even if your company does not officially practice self-evaluations. Be honest with yourself as you go through each competency/expectation of your job description. Identify areas where you struggle and areas where you excel. Even if you do not share the self-evaluation officially, the sense of self-awareness will help you during your review.

Establish Your Own Goals
Reflect on your current position with the company and where you'd like to be. This awareness will help you communicate your goals during your performance review and your manager may be able to help you with those goals.

Work on Being Receptive
Prepare yourself to go into your performance review with an open mind. Work on not becoming defensive when receiving feedback. You will learn a lot more and therefore develop further if you remain receptive.


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