
whatever you are not changing, you are choosing

Most of us never question or examine our core values

we each have certain things we value & subconsciously act out these values without ever realizing that:

what we SAY we want
and what we actually
CHASE are in complete
OPPOSTION to each other.

this generally manifests as complaining about our lot in life. chronically being too tired or too overwhelmed with all things
we believe we HAVE to do.

that often looks like manic overseeing, people-pleasing problem solving,
for folks who have NOT asked us

to do these things


always explaining how busy you are


chronically getting sick
or having accidents


chasing things
that don't want us
and getting mad when
they disappoint us

this happens because
we're not acting consciously
in our lives, but rather from unexamined
desires that may or may not
truly be apart of our core selves.

this kind of overwhelm is a way of hiding from ourselves and abandoning unexplored dreams bec we’re too busy being in service to others.

whatever you are not changing,

you are choosing

we claim,
we HAVE to do something
as if it’s a fact
instead of being
brutally honest
with ourselves:

to do these things
because we believe
all these things
are a necessary
part of our core values

but core values are
guiding principles we hold
to make our lives
easier and more fulfilling.

these core values
should be subject to

and released (if necessary) from the shame of meeting up to values we never authentically adopted as our own,
they were simply inherited.

but you can't clarify or reframe what hasn't been named or acknowledged. nor can you refine and release yourself
when ur on the
of other peoples
desires and wishes.

IMG 7619

Writing to heal and Transform

This weekend I'll be teaching a quick and dirty pop up webinar:

How to Do the Thing that Scares You
90 minute webinar

You can join by phone,
by zoom video or
buy the recording.

The live class is $39.99
The recorded class is $34.99


▪ we'll do guided writing exercises
▪ to identify your core values
▪ and figure out if you're in
we'll do guided writing exercises
to identify your core values
and figure out if you're in

alignment with the life you're living.

This class is super important because it gives you a way to take back the power in your life.

It's a way to get unstuck by identifying
small ways to create big changes.

Each time we make a change for ourselves, we grow in confidence,
self-love and

Monday, May 29, 2023
7pm (EST)
5pm (MT)
4pm (PST)

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