Ann s News 10 2022 2

Hello from down here on the farm!

Dogs and me 2022

Fall Hiking Time

Can you believe Halloween and November are just around the corner? Pumpkins are showing up on doorsteps. Fake skeletons are decorating yards. Stores have their huge bags of candy on sale. I bought some smaller bags of candy but out here in the boondocks, few trick or treaters show up at my door. So I guess I'll have to eat these treats myself!

I do have a sweet tooth. That's why I have to keep a walking dog or two around to motivate me to get out there whatever the weather and do some walking. Frankie and Marley love it and so do I.

Great walking weather this October. Don't you love hearing the leaves crunch underfoot? Some of you might do some virtual walking with me on my Facebook page on my regular Sunday post, Sunday morning coming down. And then I'm always sharing things I spot on my walks. Love having a camera in my pocket.

Cover Reveal - In the Shadow of the River

Coming May 2023

One of the most exciting times after you've turned your story over to the publishers is seeing that email from the art department with the cover reveal for your story. I'm excited to share this new beauty with you. So drum roll, please. And here it is!!

InShadowof the River 3D

In the Shadow of the River is set on a river showboat in the late 1800's. Those boats traveled down the rivers, stopping at every landing along the way to put on a show for the local people who came out in droves for some entertainment. Here's a little about my story.

"Jacci Reed loves her life on the Ohio River in 1896 as part of the Kingston showboat family, but shadows of her past and the death of her mother linger in her memory. With the help of the showboat owners' son, can she find answers before those shadows overtake her and threaten her life?"

The cover isn't out there on the internet yet or wasn't when I wrote this. So, you are among the very first to get a look at it. In the Shadow of the River won't release until May 2023, but the book is already available for pre-order. If you love holding a print book in your hands while reading, the Baker Book House is a great place to shop. For pre-orders of In the Shadow of the River, you get a 40% discount on the cover price and free shipping. That's a hard deal to beat, but the book is available at most internet booksellers too.

Do you like the cover? In the Shadow of the River has plenty of showboat history with some mystery and suspense mixed in. I can't wait until you get a chance to read the story.

Counting Your Blessings Season


When I start counting my blessings, I have many to number. You reading friends are right up there on my top ten. That is if I bunch those nine grandkids and one grandkid-in-law together and don't list them one by one. :) While God's love and family do top most of our lists, I also love counting my everyday blessings. Things like the smile of a friend, time with my sisters, my furry walking companions, a hawk circling overhead, birds flying in to grab a seed from my birdfeeder. I could go on and on just as I'm sure you could too too.

I've also been blessed with some good reviews for my book, When the Meadow Blooms. It's been so great to hear from people who have read and enjoyed visiting Meadowland with my characters, Sienna, Calla, Rose and Dirk.

When I started writing years ago, one of my goals - or perhaps I should say wishes - was that the characters I wrote about would find a place in a reader's heart. I hope if you've read any of my stories, that's how you, the same as the reviewer above, feel about my story people.

Ky Book Festival Ann Gabhart 1

Another Blessing to Count

I get to take part in the 41st Kentucky Book Festival for maybe the 30th time. I've lost count but I've had fun talking to readers and other writers for many years at this wonderful book event every fall. This year the Festival will be held at the JosephBeth's Bookseller Store in Lexington, KY on October 29th, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. Over a hundred authors will be in attendance and ready to talk to you about their books. Here's a link to more information and the catalog of authors and books. If you live in the area, you can come to a feast of books. Autographed books make great Christmas gifts too. Best of all, you can stop by my table so we can talk face to face.

books 2022

Giveaway Time

Can't have a newsletter without a giveaway chance. Since we are approaching the holiday season, the prize is a $25 gift card to the winner's choice of bookseller -, Amazon, Barnes & Noble - to buy herself or perhaps himself a book or two for Christmas. On top of that, the winner will have his or her choice of one of my books to keep or give as a gift to a friend. One second place winner will have their choice of one of my autographed books. To enter, tell me which of my book covers is your favorite by responding to this newsletter or emailing me from my Contact page on my website. You can see all my book covers on my website book page. Deadline for entries is midnight EST November 12, 2022. You must be 18 or older to enter.

Parting Shots - Reasons for Giving Thanks

• For the taxes I pay because that means I am employed.
• For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because that means I have a new day.
• For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing because that means I have a home.
• For all the complaining I hear about the government because that means we have freedom of speech.
• For the lady behind me in church who sings off key because that means I can hear.
• For clothes that fit a little too snugly because that means I have enough to eat.
• For my heating bills, because that means I am warm.
• For my shadow that watches me work because that means I am out in the sunshine.
• For every blessing – great or small. (Source unknown)

Sunrise 10 20 2022

And I give thanks for every sunrise I get to enjoy. Thank you so much for reading my newsletter and my books.

Until next time, may we all find joy in every day.


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