Welcome to The Pilcrow, a periodic publication filled with reflections on writing and creative process, writing prompts, and news on special promotion

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Welcome to The Pilcrow, a periodic publication filled with reflections on writing and creative process, writing prompts, and news on special promotions and releases. I hope you enjoy it, and that it provides inspiration for your creative journey.

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~Nancy Norbeck
Writing and Creative Process Coach

On Writing and Process

Ask Nancy: How Do I Get Started?

My friend Caroline, a microbiologist who is looking to get started with writing, asked me a "stupid" writing question recently. It wasn’t stupid at all, and in the course of our conversation I realized that I wanted to set up a place for questions and answers just like hers.

Click here to read more.

Writing Prompts

Here are two prompts for you to play with. Feel free to send me your creations; if you're willing, I'll pick one to share on my website. (Be sure to mention whether that's okay with you or not!)

A. Put your favorite character from your favorite book in a new context: at the top of the Eiffel Tower, on a steamship in 1856, at the wheel of a car at the Indy 500. How did they get there, and what happens next?

B. Go to the mall and find a place to sit and watch people as they go by. When one attracts your attention, take some notes about what caught your eye--their clothes? Their walk? Something you heard them say?--and use it to start a story.

News and Special Offers

Intuitive Writing Course Starts April 3!

Bigger and better! Intuitive Writing is back, and begins April 3. We'll spend five weeks getting your writing moving (again!) and helping you find inspiration and overcome the blocks that get in your way. If you've been wanting to start a writing project, or if you've been feeling stuck on your current piece, this course will give you the tools and support you need to get back into your groove.

Learn more here.


A Gift for You: Find Inspiration Anywhere!

I'm pleased to offer Pilcrow readers a sneak peek of a brand new tool to help you generate ideas quickly and easily. Find Inspiration Anywhere is a guided exercise, and you can get your copy here--gratis!

Be sure to read the instructions before listening for the first time, and have fun!

Silver Child Cover Twitter

THE SILVER CHILD: now available in paperback!

My novel, The Silver Child, is now available in paperback. Readers of all ages have been enjoying it. It's available directly from Amazon. If you're in the New Jersey area and are interested in a signed copy, hit "reply" and we'll make it happen.

The book is also available in Kindle and Nook formats.

I'm currently looking for locations for book signings, so if you know of a great independent bookstore, please hit reply and let me know. Thanks!

Wondering what it's like to work with me? Here's what people have said:

"I'm a writer, and Nancy's coaching fit me like a glove. She understands the idiosyncrasies of artists so well. Her "reframes" are expert - she always helped me turn around beliefs that don't suit me anymore. She was also miraculously able to retrieve the perfect story, fable, or quote that fit my situation; which also freed me from my limited thinking. Lastly, she made me laugh and I left our calls feeling so much lighter and brighter and hopeful. Highly recommend."
—Nina Hart, author of Somewhere In a Town You Never Knew Existed Somewhere

"Nancy was the most supportive instructor I have had for an online class. Her material was current and creative. When things were posted on our special facebook page she always commented with something positive. I felt supported and free to post my writings, sensing I would not be judged in any way. This course is for anyone who needs to see their creative self in a different light."
—Jamie Lyn Weaver, Intuitive Writing participant

What's this "Pilcrow" thing, then?


"Pilcrow" is the name for what's commonly referred to as a "paragraph mark." We've all seen them, and they can symbolize a lot about the creative/writing process: the blank page (hopeful and scary!), work in progress (exciting!), or completion (pride, accomplishment, and even relief!). It's the perfect name for a publication that I hope will encourage you as you find the joy and wonder in your own process.

Feedback is always welcome; let me know what you'd like to see here!

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