Are you interested in training for a 5K? Great job tonight!! I received feedback from those that had great success with Summer BootCamp that it was

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Are you interested in training for a 5K?

61bqOG2TibL. SX466

Great job tonight!!

I received feedback from those that had great success with Summer BootCamp that it was part of a bigger fitness goal. Many people said they tied it into training for a race. I want to help if this is something you are interested in. So here are more details.

Again, don't worry!! I'm not forcing anyone to run a 5K race. However I have incorporated running into your outdoor BootCamp workouts. I was impressed with what I saw tonight on those hills!

If you would like to continue, I'll be setting up group training runs at the end of August and through September.

As part of this, I'll encourage those interested to run on your own each week. I'll give you a challenge and you take me up on that extra motivation and accountability.

Starting today.

Challenge #1. This week I would like for you to run/jog 2 miles (or more if you'd like) without stopping. Since I'm a picture person, have fun with it and send me some proof! (Not required of course!) Send me a picture or short video of yourself on your 2 mile run - email to As always extra credit for doing it with a buddy.


Optional Survey - Your Response Appreciated!


You've made it halfway through TK-Fit's 2015 Summer Outdoor Boot Camp!!

I want to know how it's going and how to make it the best experience possible.

Can you share your feedback by taking 5 minutes to answer the following questions?

Your answers will not be shared and your honest answers are really appreciated!

Please click HERE


Did You Know?


Did you know that the BrockTrot is Sunday September 27th?

10K Run • 5K Run & Walk • Kids Race

I'll be there. It would be so much fun to have a big TK-Fit turnout.

For more information, click HERE

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