
March 27, 2020

NM Book Co-op HELP CENTER #12

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The New Mexico Book Co-op is here for authors, publishers and booksellers to share ideas, and some humor; if you have any ideas that you might share on how to keep our beloved books on the minds of readers and stores, send them to LPDPress@q.com and if appropriate they'll be shared with our wider 1,500+ member book family.

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Dick Brown asked: "About literal distancing - After this "period" of social distancing, can we go back to single spacing?"


I'm starting to hear about events as far out as Memorial Day being cancelled. Bucknell University has cancelled its entire Reunion Weekend plans that had been scheduled for May 30-31. Governor of NM announced today that schools will stay closed for the rest of this school year. Just got a notice from the York County (PA) museum that is will be closed at least until the end of April.

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We have been getting a lot of feedback and many comments on our HELP CENTER, including from Dick Brown, Lisa Bear Goldman, Margie McCurry, Astrid Winegar, Jim Tritten, Lynda Sanchez, Maida Tilchen, Sherri Burr

Lisa Bear Goldman said: "I personally want to thank you for your emails, info, support and the work you do for us!"

Jim Tritten sent a video of him reading from one of this stories — Check it out at https://youtu.be/Z-w8l2fH52s

Sherri Burr said: "Thanks for all that you do to support New Mexico writers!"

Thanks to all of you!

ON-GOING LIST OF SUPPORT IDEAS: As a reminder of previous notes, here are things we all can do to support each other:
* Sign up for bookstore and local business email lists/blasts about current news
* Use curbside pickup and online ordering
* Buy gift certificates from local businesses for later redemption
* Don't forget emergency food programs — www.nmfoodbanks.org
* Talk with local business owners to explore other ideas -- by phone or email
* Cover•Reads — sign up to have your book promoted to stores and libraries all across the Southwest http://nmbookcoop.com/CoverReads/CoverReads/CoverReadsPromo.html

Many of us are asking how we can help. While many in-person volunteer opportunities are suspended due to social distancing, there are still ways to make a difference.
* Donate Time and Money
* Check on family, friends and neighbors
* Share accurate information

Best advice:
* Don't panic and hoard
* Wash your hands
* Stay home and practice social distancing

Paul Rhetts

NM Book Co-op's main mission is to foster community and support for authors and publishers and books.

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