
July 17, 2020

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

How are you doing with all these social changes we are required to live with? I know for me some days I feel worried. Worried about the future but then I remember, all I have is right now, so how can I be happy right now?

What makes you happy?

What makes ME happy is staying healthy! I think if you are one of my readers, you would agree with this one requirement for all other happiness! What does healthy look like and feel like for you?

Today, with Covid in our lives, health has a new look. Connecticut is in a pretty good place with keeping the pandemic under control. Thank goodness we are all doing what is ours to do - wear a mask; social distance; wash our hands and don't touch our faces. Not to much to ask and helping everyone to stay healthy! Let's all continue to do this for our health and the health of everyone around us.

Now that health is out on the table, the list is endless as to what makes people happy. My point in today's question is to wake you up to see what you are doing in your life that is making you happy. Also, to see what you are doing that doesn't make you so happy. It is crucial to know, every living person has this power to chose and it is important that we use it on a daily basis.

You maybe asking, why is this so important? The answer is three fold. One, it is important because we are only here for a short time and happiness is our birthright, so create it! Two, because when we realize and own this power we feel empowered in our lives. We can then, not just choose to be happy but also to be grateful, prosperous, generous and so much more. Finally, number three, with this power of choice in all we do and in all we are, we can live authentic lives. Living our best life, authentically and empowered, brings me back to my number one reason to wake up to our choices. We are only here for a short period of time and it is our gift to everyone we come in contact with, to be the best we can be.

Below is a beautiful quote by Joseph Campbell about living authentically.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."

So go ahead, don't worry, be happy!

Offerings for Awareness & Transformation


Virtual Chair Massage for Individuals and Partners

Since March 12, 2020, TLC has NOT been providing On-Site chair massage or any massage to clients. Although it is a necessary action to take during this time of social distancing and isolation, the need for stress reduction, relaxation and rejuvenation are still very important. With Zoom meetings and other virtual activities, many of us are sitting at our computers for longer periods of time than when we were physically at work.

Well don't fret, we have the answer! At TLC, we have created virtual sessions of self massage AND chair massage for couples or housemates. The intention of these virtual sessions is to help participants get relief from the stresses of sitting at computers and other devices or being locked in for hours at a time.

Now and for the unforeseeable future, at 4:30 pm every Tuesday and Thursday, we are having Self Care Massage Zoom classes. Tuesdays will be Self-Massage for Individuals and Thursdays will be Self-Care Partner Massage.

Sessions are $12 for Individuals and $40 for Partners/Couples.

You can sign-up on our website, and I will send you the Zoom link once I receive your payment.

To register and pay for a session please Click Here.

Sunday Talks

Sunday, July 26 at 10:30, I will be giving the Sunday Talk at Unity Center of Norwalk. Click here to join me.

Sunday, July 26th, the talk is titled:

Making Heaven Happen!

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