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Message from the team

Hello fellow co-pro doers and thinkers!

It's getting a little chilly and the nights are drawing in but hopefully this month's newsletter will light your co-production fires!

Below you'll find some interesting pieces on the wonders of co-production during a global pandemic, the importance of co-production for breaking down barriers disabled people face when trying to get involved in sport, and why we need gender equality at all times and in all spaces. We also have some shared stories of practice to get you inspired!

If you receive this monthly information e-newsletter and you're not also a member, find out for yourself what you've been missing out on: individual membership is free and allows you to access resources, our community space, member events and training, and much more. You can sign up to our network by going to our website.

If you would like to add anything to a future newsletter (either a new item, or in response to something in this issue), please get in touch with Dan on

Until next time,

Dan and the Co-production Network for Wales team

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You told us about...

What is co-production (animation)
As part of Co-production Week Scotland, our friends at the Scottish Co-production Network have created a brand new animation which explains co-production in a fun, clear and accessible way.

Here's the link to the video (you can also click the screenshot below).

What is Co-production Animation Moment

Screenshot of the video

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What I learned from my first co-produced design project
Scope have published a thoughtful blog from one of their co-production champions on their content design team running a co-produced project to help newly disabled people find the right information and advice.


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The Wonders of Co-Production During a Global Pandemic
Three young people living in Blackpool have co-authored a blog on the Boingboing website about the wonders of being involved in co-production during a global pandemic, and the impact it has had on their lives.

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Items of interest


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Charity Awards Roundtable:
Better by co-design
After this year’s Charity Awards, Charity Finance invited a group of charities whose applications highlighted their commitment to co-production and co-design to share their experiences and learning.

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Tired of Waiting
Posability magazine recently published an article on the importance of co-production for breaking down barriers disabled people face when trying to get involved in sport, asking why are so many of us missing out on all the benefits that exercise and physical activity can bring, and what can be done to ensure that everyone can get active in a way that suits them?


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Does it matter that men are the public ‘face’ of government?
Apolitical have published an article on why we need gender equality at all times and in all spaces. Women are still missing from top leadership positions, including in public administration. We need more diverse and inclusive institutions to provide more effective, innovative and representative solutions for today’s pressing global challenges.


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Co-Production within Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Systematic Review
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health have published a paper that aims to combine peer-reviewed evidence on co-production within child and adolescent mental health services. Two studies were included in this review, both focusing on co-production, but in different contexts within child and adolescent mental health.

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Mindful Co-Design Toolkit for dementia
The MinD Project has developed The Mindful Co-design Toolkit as a guide for designers, people living with dementia, care partners and other stakeholders to work together to create designs for better living. Its aim is to help everyone involved in the design process to work together smoothly and collegiately and join in to make a contribution to the process.

stories of practice

A theory of thriving for people living in financial hardship
What Works Wellbeing and the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge explore how specific groups in society, under specific life circumstances, think about their wellbeing themselves.

Community panel shapes the housing development of Old Kent Road
The Community Review Panel in Southwark, selected carefully to ensure demographic representation, gives local residents, employers and employees the chance to review development proposals at a stage when there is still a real opportunity to influence their final form.

Clinicians and patients improve learning disability care
The University of Wolverhampton has teamed up with Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust to bring together clinicians and patients with learning difficulties to improve care for people in the West Midlands, by undertaking a 10-month project to learn about co-production principles and co-create with their respective patient communities.


Keep well, look after one another, be kind.
Talk to you next month!

Best wishes from all of us at the
Co-production Network for Wales

All our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, unless it says otherwise. The source to quote is the Co-production Network for Wales. We hope you find it useful.

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