Hey Friend! A few days ago you signed up for my email updates and blog, and made a great choice trusting me with your inbox. My hope is to challenge

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Hey Friend!

A few days ago you signed up for my email updates and blog, and made a great choice trusting me with your inbox. My hope is to challenge you to live authentically. There’s nothing better than a woman willing to be real and honest. Except coffee. Coffee may be a little better.

Have you downloaded and printed your free printable yet? If not, here is that link again.

"I Am Enough" Printable

I really love this one. I hope you do too!

Friend, can I be honest? I’m not a huge fan of self-promotion. It’s all about Jesus, right? But a wise friend once told me that when I share my work, I’m not necessarily sharing me… I’m sharing the message God gave me. Honestly, that feels so much better. It’s not about me. It is about Him.

So knowing that, I wanted to share three powerful messages God gave me to pen. I wrote these books because I needed these messages. Maybe you do, too?

Untangled cover shdw

Untangled: Let God Loosen the Knots of Insecurity in Your Life is all about uncovering the “I’m not good enough” messages that can plague us as women. I’ve lived most of my life feeling like I’ll never measure up to her or them… and it exhausted me. It destroyed my self-worth. And Untangled is about our journey towards healing that God is inviting us to take. And it’s something available to every single one of us. If you struggle with confidence, this might be a worthwhile read. I have to revisit it all the time.

Uncommon cover shdw

Uncommon: Pursuing a Life of Passion and Purpose is the next step. It’s a battle cry for women to step out of the ordinary and live differently. And it has the power to change everything. God is asking us to shine Him into a world that needs to know there is a better way to live. And when we say yes to becoming uncommon, it's a radical act of obedience to the One who created us to be extraordinary. This book challenges me every single day. For reals.

Unafraid cover shdw

Unafraid: Be You. Be Authentic. Find the Grit and Grace to Shine is about finding the confidence we need to shine with fearless authenticity! As women, we struggle to feel like we’re good enough because we are bombarded daily with messages that whisper, “Who you are is not okay.” We live in a world that tells us we have to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, have husbands who fit a certain mold, and have children that excel in every area of their lives. What if we had the confidence to shed our fears and be who God created us to be – stumbles, fumbles, and all – relishing who we are rather than conforming to the world?

If I’ve learned anything over the past few years, it’s that we’re all in this together. Community—even when messy and frustrating from time to time—is the only way to do life well. And being an introvert myself, this can be especially hard. But so, so, so worth it.

So thank you for inviting me into your part of the world.

I’m going to continue sending you great content over the coming months. Thanks again for connecting, and I am excited to have you along for the journey!

Until next time,
