Today is a day of celebration, a day for Somalia to look towards the future 2014-07-01— The Prime Minister of Somalia H.E Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed wishe


Today is a day of celebration, a day for Somalia to look towards the future

2014-07-01— The Prime Minister of Somalia H.E Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed wishes the great people of Somalia, both in the country and those abroad, a happy 54th Somalia Independence Day.

H.E. Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed said:

“Today is a remarkable day for Somalia, which officially received its independence in the year 1960. I would like to wish all Somalis a happy Independence Day. The Federal Government of Somalia will continue the work of rebuilding this nation that fought hard to achieve independence and we will stay steadfast on our vision of a prosperous and stable Somalia. We honour the men and women who gave us this opportunity to forge our own destiny and to ensure our nation lives up to its best potential.

“This day reminds Somali people across the globe of the immeasurable bravery of the men and women who continue to fight for peace and justice. Somalia faces a daunting set of challenges that can be achieved with strength and unity. This day inspires Somalis all over the globe to gather as one against those who seek violence while commemorating all that was achieved by our forefathers 54 years ago.

“Today is a day of celebration, a day for Somalia to look towards the future. It is a day we renew our solemn duty to Somalia and the Somali people to live up to our promises. Somalia is a blessed land with extraordinary people who have suffered too long; I reaffirm my commitment to uphold the principles of peace and justice and to serve the great people of Somalia to the best of my ability.

“To the extraordinary men, women and children in Somalia and across the globe, celebrate today and commit to a great future for Somalia. Celebrate while working towards a day when Somali children will live a life free of poverty and accomplish all their dreams. Celebrate this day for the Somali women who are the strength and backbone of this nation. The Federal Government of Somalia looks forward to rebuilding this great land, forging unbreakable bonds with our Somali brothers and sisters and reaffirming our commitments to the great Horn of Africa.”

Sagal Ahmed
Press Officer
Prime Minister’s Media Office
Mogadishu, Somalia
Tel: +252 615327526
Twitter: @SomaliPM
