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You are receiving this email because you are a part of Gayle's Nest, Missy B Stitchin', and/or A Scarlet Thread Quilt Shop. Regardless of how you got here...We hope you join in on all things fun with Missitopia!

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Missitopia was inspired by Gayle Pearl & Missy Billingsley and their companies Gayle's Nest & Missy B Stitchin'. Missy & Gayle joined forces and Missitopia was created.

P.S. MissyBStitchin.com is still available
for all of your design needs.

Missitopia is here to spark your creativity through online selling, live shows, demos, sparkle fun, retreats, cruises, and MORE! We are so glad YOU are here!

We've made some changes or shall I say updates & additions to the Missitopia Team.... We cannot wait to share all the FUN news with you soon.

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The best way to stay in touch with all things Missitopia is by downloading our mobile app & following us on Facebook!

We hope these changes will bring you nothing but joy & a little sparkle to your life. #JustSayin'

Missitopia Team

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Join KT On The Go for Karen's travel adventures & Stitchin' & Sparklin' Fun with Missy B for educational tips & tricks!

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