Happy New Year , Heavens I just woke up yesterday and it was a brand new day, a brand new year. I hope you had a great Christmas and the new year fe

Ancient Wisdom

Happy New Year ,

Heavens I just woke up yesterday and it was a brand new day, a brand new year.

I hope you had a great Christmas and the new year festivities were suitably festive.
Also hopefully trade has been kind to you. We certainly want to thank you for your custom and support during 2016, and look forward to an interesting and profitable 2017.
2016 was an odd year, lots of famous people left us, Brexit and Trump brought uncertainty, but we survived.

It's time to make a plan.. yes I know Valentine's day is almost upon us. (See our Valentine's gifts page here).. but the plan I mean is a serious plan.
A major lets shake things up, lets write history, lets storm 2017, lets grab it by the proverbials and make stuff happen on epic proportions..

Are you up for it?
Where do you start.
Start with a DREAM... a Twenty Seventeen Dream :)

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and think ahead 365 days to this time next year. Imagine a different world. Imagine anything you dare to.. family, house, money, everything and anything can be included.
Now colour in that picture, maybe you are in a beachfront house with crashing waves yards away. Colour it in.. the sound of seagulls, coffee from a nice ceramic mug with a lighthouse on it, children's laughter, the smell of sea air...

Now take a deep breath, let your mind connect the dots from now to then.
Get a nice new notebook - an expensive notebook is good - and start making a list.
Things to do in 2017..

You can do it!
Good luck and all the best for the coming year.

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