Winter Solstice 2014 “I have recently been asked some very interesting questions which are wonderful to meditate upon as we approach the upcoming Sol

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Winter Solstice 2014

“I have recently been asked some very interesting questions which are wonderful to meditate upon as we approach the upcoming Solstice. This special day of the year is a gateway of light asking for our renewed focus on the birth of a new way of dealing with and practicing spiritual life in action.

During this upcoming Solstice/Christmas season as we are meeting with many people familiar and unfamiliar this is a perfect time to be conscious of a new way of dealing with old situations that no longer serve a purpose." - Sat Tony Samara

The Winter Solstice will occur at 23.03 UTC on 21 December which means 23.03 in the UK and Portugal and 00.03 on 22 December throughout the rest of Europe.

This means that any of the meditations that you create leading up to this time and afterwards will be very powerful as this time is a portal well known to the Ancients.

During the special worldwide meditation link, Tony will link in with everyone from his personal space and although he is always doing this anyway, for those with the intention to join him at this time the effect of the union will be synergistic.

So as you meditate or go about your daily tasks in a meditative way it is good to focus on connecting to Tony and being open to the wonderful space that is created through this unique possibility.

Whatever you feel you wish to happen is the right thing to create.

If you wish to be specific then perhaps some of the meditations on the website may be useful. You may also wish to consider eating special foods by adopting a vegetarian diet or eating healing foods to make the body lighter so that you are more sensitive to this wonderful experience.

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Recommended reading: 'The Simplicity of Love Meditation’ (


If you are unable to attend Tony's programmes in person, you could instead participate in many of the online Satsangs and courses now available at:

Please also remember that you can always enjoy Tony's insights and meditations that can be found in his many books and eBooks on and, by visiting the Resources page of, you will find many other supportive alternatives, such as Tony Samara on YouTube:

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