SEPTEMBER Welcome! I am so honored to have this time with you. As I write, I picture you, across the table from me. And I so enjoy our unhurried tim



I am so honored to have this time with you. As I write, I picture you, across the table from me. And I so enjoy our unhurried time together.

I wish we COULD sit face-to-face -- and talk. But since that isn't possible, let's do our best to come as close as we can. Pull up a comfy chair, grab a mug of your favorite coffee or tea, and let's visit a while!

Thank you for reading.

soli deo gloria,



sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)

"The Scriptures are our vineyard in which we should all work." --Martin Luther

Unlike Martin Luther, we live in a time when copies of the Bible abound, translations of the Bible are numerous, and resources for studying the Bible are available in abundant supply.

And many, many people are taking advantage of this benefit. They are listening to the Bible on audio, reading it on their devices, attending church to hear a sermon, and reading auxiliary materials.

All of this is good. But for the believer in Christ, it cannot be all.

Like Martin Luther, we must be sure we are going to THE SOURCE; directly to the original. Like newborn infants, we must be nourished by pure spiritual milk (1 Peter 2:2) -- the Word of God.

As daughters of the King of Kings, our worship, our relationship building with God, our soul care MUST include time in the Bible.

Read more about Engaging with the Word of God here...

And more about What it Means to READ the Bible here...



Psalm 71: A Proclamation to Grandparents

Psalm 71 was written by an aged David during a time of great trouble. While some speculation has been made by differing scholars as to the exact nature of “the great trouble” alluded to in this Psalm, David does not mention the trouble by name.

RATHER he writes this Psalm for the benefit of God’s people, especially those of “chronological maturity.”

David PRAYS – He begins this Psalm with believing, affirming prayers.
In you, O LORD, do I take refuge; (vs. 1)
…for you are my rock and my fortress. (vs. 3)
For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth. (vs. 5)
Upon you I have leaned from before my birth; you are he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of you. (vs. 6)
…you are my strong refuge. (vs. 7)
My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day. (vs. 8)

David PREPARES -- As we read this Psalm, we see his preparation for the work of proclaiming God’s glory.
•He leaned on God, depending wholly upon Him everything. (vs. 6)
•He relied on God’s protection and help in times of danger. (vs.7)
•He learned from God’s teaching. (vs. 17)
•He filled his mouth with praise to God all the day. (vs. 8 & 14)
•He told others of God’s righteous acts and deeds of salvation. (vs. 15)
•He placed his hope and confidence in God alone. Then he talked the talk and walked the walk. (vs. 14)

David PURPOSES – In verses 17 & 18, David declares what he intends to do in his old age for God.

Until I proclaim your might to another generation,<-
->Your power to all those to come.
(vs 18)

How does David fulfill his purpose?
•He shows God’s strength to others by verbally sharing his own experience of it. (vs. 15 & 19)
•He leaves a written record of his personal observations of God’s power in his poems and psalms.
•He praises God continually, both in private and in public. (vs. 6 & 8)
•He acknowledges God’s protection over him. (vs. 7)
•He remembers, rehearsing God’s work in his life. (vs. 9-15)
•He reminds others of the righteousness of God. (vs. 16 & 19)
•He prays for God’s presence and power in his life so that he can fulfill his purposed intention. (vs. 18)

David PRAISES – He concludes Psalm 71 with praises to God.
Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who is like you? (vs. 19)
I will also praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praises to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. (vs. 22)
My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed. (vs. 23)

A Psalm filled with words of wisdom for all who are reaching the season of being “more mature saints.”

But, oh… for those of us who are grandparents, this Psalm seems to be written just for us. In following David’s example of Prayer, Preparation, Purpose, and Praise, we, too, can Proclaim the wonder, awe, and glory of our great God to another generation (our grandchildren) leaving them a precious legacy of love.

Read A Proclamation to Grandparents - Psalm 71 (ESV).

Psalm 71.17

On a Personal Note

I so enjoy baby dedication services at our church. One of my favorite parts is hearing the parents share the life verse they have selected for their child and why that verse was chosen.

Baby dedications and life verses were not a common practice a few decades ago (at least not in my church circle). So I did not receive the gift of a life verse when I came into the world.

I have, however, through the different seasons of my life found myself discovering Scripture that was particularly meaningful to me at that time. I studied it, memorized it, posted it on the fridge, and leaned on it; allowing it to guide me through that season.

As I find myself in yet another season, nearing old age, fighting gray hairs, and blessed beyond measure with the precious gift of ten grandchildren, Psalm 71:17-18 has become that Scripture. I am now giving these meaningful Scriptures a name. They are my life verses in this season.

How about you? Do you have a "life verse" for your current season? I'd love to hear. You can share your verse by emailing me at


RESOURCES for Your Roles and Relationships

This month's RESOURCES are for those who desire to go beyond the hearing of the Word, past denominational tradition, and further than secondary sources. Those who want to dig deeper into THE ORIGINAL; the WORD OF GOD.

Digging Deeper is a course designed for the purpose of helping participants discover a multitude of ways for engaging with the Word of God.

The course consists of seven lessons, each designed to benefit all learners -- from spiritual babe to the spiritually mature. It is for those who have never spent time digging into the Word of God on their own. It is equally beneficial to the Bible scholar looking for ways to "breathe fresh life" into their Bible study time.

Digging Deeper is currently being offered in two formats.

This format is offered for those who prefer to work on their own, at their own pace. In this option the lessons can be accessed at via password protected pages or can be downloaded as a PDF.

This course can be purchased for $15.00. Upon completion of the purchase transaction, you will be directed to a page where you will be provided with the password and access to the downloads.

Buy Now

This option provides a wonderful opportunity to learn in community. Ask questions, share discoveries, and receive feedback and encouragement -- all while meeting new friends. The ONLINE OPTION is also "time-bound" which might be a benefit to those who struggle with getting things done.

The next Online Course is scheduled to begin on Monday, October 10, 2016 and will run through Monday, November 21, 2016. For more information, see the Digging Deeper Purchase page on our website.

This option can be purchased through and is available for Newsletter subscribers -- and their friends -- for the special cost of $15.00. (If purchased through our website, the cost is $20.00.)

Simply CLICK HERE and enter the amount -- $15.00 -- on the page. Then be sure to email me at with your Facebook name so that you can be invited to the private group. This special $15.00 price is good through Friday, October 14, 2016.

What past participants are saying about Digging Deeper; The Online Course Option:

"This whole study has transformed the way I view scripture!" --Catherine Marie

"I really enjoyed the different ways to study God's word. It has rekindled a deeper passion for studying it." --Cindy

It is time to DIG into the SOURCE. Invite a friend and come discover and practice a collection of ways for Digging Deeper into the Word of God.


"Well" banner image credit: Liz Aragon,, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0,, no changes made.

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