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Hey there!

It's finally done!

Pfft, I've only been promising this for 2 weeks now... But who's counting. Ha!

I am so proud to present my very first C2C (corner to corner) blanket I've ever made...

I've made graphgans before --- three of them to be exact, so the act of changing colors wasn't new to me. For those of you who don't know, graphgans can be made using only single crochets. They are usually worked back and forth, line by line horizontally. A C2C blanket uses either half double crochets or double crochets and is worked back and forth diagonally.

I instantly fell in love with C2C! It works up much faster and easier than the single crochet graphgan and, let me just say it, it was an awesome and fun project! I enjoyed making this baby blanket so much and I can't wait to make more C2C projects.

So, I did intend to make some tutorial videos and as it turns out, I didn't have enough time. Hopefully they will be coming out this week though. For now, if you need help with the C2C method, Mikey from The Crochet Crowd has some excellent video tutorials on YouTube.

Is anyone interested in learning how to make graphgans or getting free charts for them? They are so awesome! Some can look like photographs.

Here is a buck blanket I made for my aunt...

deer blanket

Or more cartoon like with Nemo here...


The Nemo pattern isn't mine. I paid for the fish design, but added the coral myself.

These are just examples to show you what I mean by graghgans. If you are interested in learning how to make these or getting graphs, reply to this email and let me know! (This buck graph will be made available this summer. I made that one myself.)

So that's it for this week. I hope you've enjoyed the Sleepy Bear Baby Blanket C2C pattern.

Until next week...

Keep making pretty things!

Erica 3

Be sure to follow along with me on social media, especially Pinterest! I'm a bit of a crochet pattern hoarder and I'd love to share them with you too. The links are below.

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