Tony Nate

Hello, Friends!

This weekend was filled with a juxtaposition of life.

On Saturday, I hosted a baby shower for my new nephew who will be entering this world in February. The joy that comes from the anticipation of a new life is palpable.

On Sunday, I went to a memorial of a man I loved.

Above you see pictured my brother-in-law and his father. A year ago we were told that Tony probably wouldn't have a year to live. To find out a healthy and vibrant father, husband, grandfather and friend will deteriorate rapidly is a hard thing to face. His death leaves a hole.

The beauty of how he passed must be shared. The morning of New Years Eve my brother-in-law decided to read his dad the 23 Psalm. As he was reading, Tony's breathing began to change. Moments after the words, "...and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever," he went to be with his Savior.

A memorial is a celebration of life. It makes you reflect on the life you want to live. To know first hand and then hear stories about who he was as a father made me want to breathe more life into my own parenting.

Here are some of the qualities I want to emulate:
* I want to be a mom who doesn't give up on her children.
* Joy, laughter and fun need to be a larger component of my character.
* Learning to take a deep interest in others makes a big difference in this world.
* I want to be a woman of strength for my children.
* I desire to invest in my children's interests, making my presence and support known.
* I want to inspire others on this journey of life.

There is nothing like a memorial to remind you of the kind of legacy you want to leave.


Recognizing some of the character qualities I want to develop through my tears this past weekend, I thought it appropriate to share with you just a few of the lessons from my character development series that help grow some the traits of the life we said goodbye to.

I not only want to reflect these attributes in my own life, but I want to intentionally teach them to my children.

If you are raising kids, this 52 weeks character development series focusing on 52 character traits is a great resource.



This game called "Joy is Contagious" will get your kids running around, laughing.


 courage esther kids crown craft-042

This fun nature craft teaches courage through a lesson on Esther.


Toothpaste another use try to put back in the tube

Want to teach your kids about the importance of kindness? This object lesson using toothpaste is a great illustration about the power of words.

One other lesson learned this weekend is to cherish the time with your loved ones. Learn from them. Give one another grace. Grow together. Laugh much.

What character qualities are you wanting to develop in your kids? How can I help?

Have a Wonderful Week,

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