
Kemet before the pharoahs: women in predynastic Egypt

Livecasts on Sunday, 21 July, noon and Thursday 25 July, 6:30 pm
(both PDT, UTC -8)

Some extremely ancient rock art and megaliths; female icons in clay, stone and ivory (some from hippos!), including the vulture-headed figurines; paintings and petroglyphs of Goddess-in-Ship; carved stone palettes, breast pots, and other cultural treasures from the period before 3000 bce. I'm looking forward to sharing this new show, after compiling images collected over 50 years.

Register here by choosing your amount from the sliding scale dropdown. If you can't make either of the livecast times, register and reply to this email (in that order, please) to let me know you need a link to the streamable recording. (It will remain up for a month, possibly longer.)

Coming in late August, Kemetic Deasophy/ Egyptian Goddesses...


New event! Red Tent Retreat in Portland OR, Aug 3-4

On Sat 3 Aug, I'll be showing Sacra Vulva, tastes from the Breasts! show, and Swimming in the Sacred, about invocation, ceremony, medicine women, seeresses, dancers and their spirit journeys. Other offerings that weekend include Womb Wisdom with Vajra Ma; 
Womb Healing Ceremony with Lorin Purifoy; 
Psychedelic Sunlight with Jennifer Beaman; 
Reiki skincare with Hilary Camille
; Yoga and Goddess Flow with Leah Hansen & Courtney CatEarth.
 Plus four farm-to-table meals and Portland nightlife....

More info at the Red Tent Retreat page. Or register directly here.
Full retreat goers, send your $100 deposit to hold your spot, or send the full payment of $350 (10% will go to “sisterfund” for scholarships). Or pay $111 for the ala carte ticket for Max Dashu’s talk on Saturday only. Email Courtney CatEarth for partial scholarship details, she will be happy to assist you.


I'll be doing three visual talks at the Mystical Womxn's Magic Fest August 13th--18th, 2019 on The Land in Hart, Michigan. On Tues 12, I'll show Women's Dance on the main stage; Thurs 14th, Healers, Curanderas and Medicine Women; Fri 15th, Women Who Swim in the Sacred.

"This is a 6 day/5 night outdoor camping experience meant to draw women together to have fun, heal and grow into a community. We have an amazing line-up planned, including Mimi Gonzalez, Karen Williams, Queen Hollins, Afia Walking Tree, Mama Fasi, Max Dashu, Kristen Ford, e nina jay, Faerie Elaine Silver, Kim Trusty, Marie Michaelle, Nia & Ness, Shirley Jons, Lydia Levieux, Victoria Proctor and Yaya Honeylove. Our focus is on healing, ritual, drumming, dance and drawing from the knowledge of our ancestors. The event will also feature evening entertainment consisting of spoken word artists, singers, drumming, concerts, comedians and more."

Visit website for more information and to purchase your tickets. They offer specials for two, three or four days, also. Ask them.

Snake Women in Nacadoches, East Texas

Not only did I get to present my Snake Women show in Texas but I was able to to hear teaching from Caddo elders and cultural experts and visit Caddo Mounds, which dates back to 600 CE, where they had a drum dance ceremony. East Texas is lush and beautiful.

Suppressed Histories web site redesign / expansion!

The Suppressed Histories Archives web site redesign is happening! This is a major overhaul which will reorganize the material and make it easier to find things by country or by subject. Nearly 10,000 new pages are being migrated from the SHA page on Facebook. It will take some time to edit and tag them, but i'll begin adding and rolling them out gradually. You'll be able to see the new site within a month or two, when I'll be publishing some of the new pages, and announcing via this newsletter.

If you'd like to support this process of expanding the resources, you can make monthly donations of any size via my Matreon page. Or you can make single donations on the Suppressed Histories site.

Coming soon! stream-on demand videos!

I'll be presenting at Goddess Spirit Rising which will be September 12-15, in Simi Valley CA. Look they have early bird discounts.

As for the future:

"I weird, I weird, hard-hearted lord, your fall shall soon be seen."
[Scots Magazine (Jan. 1765), in the Scottish National Dictionary, 110]

Let's make that happen: stop fascism.

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