* * * News & Quick-bits: 30 November 2016 * * * Homeopathy Benefits ADHD Two combined studies report, 'An increasing number of parents turn to ho

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News & Quick-bits: 30 November 2016


Homeopathy Benefits ADHD

Two combined studies report, 'An increasing number of parents turn to homeopathy for treatment of their hyperactive child. Two publications, a randomised, partially blinded trial and a clinical observation study, conclude that homeopathy has positive effects in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)." Read more | Comment


Homeopathy in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirators, fewer respiratory complications and faster ICU disharges. But which one was it? Read more | Comment


Extreme Bias in FTC’s Ruling on Homeopathic Medicine

In an ongoing effort to undermine homeopathy, the FTC disregards hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and suggests there is no scientific evidence for this safe, effective therapy. Read more | Comment


Queen’s Physician Calls for More Homeopathy

The Queen’s physician says some doctors have to get over their bias about homeopathy while a skeptic professor warns that it "could be deadly".
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Debate: Should Doctors Recommend Homeopathy?

Of course! It is safe, popular, reduces the use of potentially hazardous drugs, and improves clinical outcomes without increasing costs, says the “Yes!” side of this debate. Read more | Comment

Christmas Candles

Christmas Specials and Gift Start Tomorrow!

It's the time of year for Christmas specials and gifts so we have both for you in tomorrow's newslletter - 1st of December. Keep an eye out for when it hits your inbox.


Previous Stories...


Homeopathy for the Winter Months

Want to know the difference between a cold and flu, and the remedies that help their symptoms? David has prepared an easy to follow infograph that condenses the information for you.
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Homeopathic Pills

Homeopathy, the Better Health Option

Debasish Banerjee looks at studies supporting the use of homeopathy, reasons why it should be the medicine of the future, and the top ten myths about it. Sit back for a long but fascinating read! Read more | Comment


Sleep Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatment

Dr Shreya describes ten key remedies for insomnia, over-sleeping, restlessness, ghostly images and numerous other sleep disorders. Read more | Comment

Catholic Church

Catholics and Homeopathy

Homeopathy in the Vatican? Yes, it’s true. Since its inception, homeopathy has been held in high regard by 4 popes, 1 saint, numerous clergy, and more.
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Cancer care

Homeopathy in Cancer Care?

Paper: Reviewed research shows homeopathy has changed cancer cells, reduced symptoms, improved quality of life and possibly survival rates - with low cost and minimal risk.
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From the Archives...


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The information in our publications is from the homeopathic perspective. It may not be endorsed or recommeneded by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page may not reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Please see a trusted healthcare provider for advice on health problems not suitable for home management. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website: www.homeopathyplus.com.au

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