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Artificial Intelligence and Anniversary Celebrations

HRDC Best Places to Work 2023

These days, it’s hard to read articles about human resources and workplaces without stumbling upon the words “ChatGPT” and “AI.” But what does it all mean? And what does the adoption of artificial intelligence mean for you, your organization, and your human resources department?

In this issue, we’ve sifted through the latest news and compiled a collection of articles to help get you up to speed on the topic of AI.

P&A has a lot to celebrate!

Pesce & Associates officially turns 20 years old this year. Woohoo! In celebration and to thank you for your support, we are donating $2,000 to 3 charitable/non-profit organizations, and we want you to choose the organizations. Find out how in this issue.

P&A is also thrilled to have been rewarded an HRD Canada Best Places to Work in 2023 recognition.

Thank you so much for your continued and ongoing support. We are dedicated to helping you and look forward to doing so for 20 more years!

As always, contact us anytime for support.

The P&A Team




A "Best Place to Work in Canada" Award

HRD Canada sought out the Best Places to Work in 2023, looking at a myriad of categories from culture to learning and development opportunities to mental health and technology.

Pesce & Associates made the list and we couldn't be more proud!

Health and Safety Ruling

A recent, important ruling in a New Brunswick criminal case has health and safety implications for workplaces. The "blame the boss" defence failed.

Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act

Earlier this year, the federal government introduced the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act, which will create a Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council to provide the government with independent advice on the most effective measures to encourage sustainable job creation.

New Rules Around Temporary Work

Temporary help agencies (THAs) and recruiters are now required to have a licence to operate in the province.

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P&A Client: "We've been recruiting for a senior leadership position for over a year and we still haven't found the right candidate."

The Problem:

Many organizations we work with find it the most challenging to fill senior leadership positions. In this particular organization, they had been doing their traditional job advertising for well over a year but had yet to find a suitable candidate.

The Solution:

The organization engaged us (Pesce & Associates) and our partner, Robert Dougan from RAD Potential, to develop an employer brand and an "employee value proposition."

Our client completed the process of surveying high-performing staff to understand why they stay with the organization and what they feel the organization gives them.

This information was leveraged to build out the employee value proposition and the employer brand that the organization then used in all their advertising and social media posts.

Within two months of launching this recruitment-marketing approach, they filled the senior leadership position with a great candidate.



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A Celebration Donation!

Pesce & Associates turns 20 this year!

We are so honoured to have provided human resources support to organizations in Canada over the past 20 years, helping to improve the workplace for thousands of people.

You all have been part of our success and we are incredibly thankful for your support.

To celebrate our 20th anniversary and give back to our communities, Pesce & Associates will be donating $2,000 to 3 charities or non-profits on behalf of our clients. We would like you, as our valued client, to help us select the organizations.

Please send us back an email and nominate one charitable organization of your choice by Friday, September 29.

(You are welcome to nominate the organization you work for.) We will then do a random draw for three charitable organizations and donate $2,000 to each one.

It has been an honour and a privilege to work with you all and we look forward to supporting you again in the future.

Here’s to another 20 years!

The Pesce & Associates Team

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ChatGPT and Human Resources: What Does It All Mean?

What is ChatGPT?

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that can create humanlike conversational dialogue. You can sign up for ChatGPT with your email. Once you are signed-in, you can ask ChatGPT to compose various written content, including articles, social media posts, essays, code and emails.

What's the big deal?

Many people agree that the generative artificial intelligence (AI) tool may be the "biggest technological advancement since the invention of the personal computer."

Bill Gates recently said that AI is "revolutionary," and that "businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it."

Chat GPT and Human Resources

There are many potential uses for ChatGPT in the workplace, especially in the HR department.

Here are examples of HR tasks that ChatGPT can potentially perform:
* Crafting job descriptions.
* Composing employee handbook materials and policy and procedures and updating them.
* Drafting e-mails to job candidates, including offer letters.
* Checking HR laws and regulations (pre-2021).
* Summarizing research and reports.
* Generating employee surveys.
* Streamlining administrative tasks, such as reminders about events and holidays.
* Scanning and screening resumes.
* Compiling interview questions.
* Conducting market research on compensation.
* Providing employee self-service.

Is There Anything ChatGPt Can't Do?

While it seems like ChatGPT is a magical tool, it's important to be aware of its limitations.

1. ChatGPT is trained to respond using information available on the Internet before 2021.
2. There have been many reports of erroneous responses.
3. Source citations are not automatically provided (although can be requested).
1. ChatGPT is trained to respond using information available on the Internet before 2021.
2. There have been many reports of erroneous responses.
3. Source citations are not automatically provided (although can be requested).

A responsible approach is to use ChatGPT to create a solid first draft to work from. But after that, it's essential that you revise and review the information from ChatGPT for accuracy, relevancy, and sourcing before you use the information.

Source: www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/technology/pages/chatgpt-hr-primer-ai-workplace.aspx

Want to Learn More?

We've compiled articles to help you make sense of it all:

How AI is Changing HR

How Many HR Departments Are Using Generative AI?

ChatGPT Use Soars in Q1

Lawyer Apologizes for Citing ChatGPT Generated Cases in Court

"Overwhelmingly Postive": HR Raves About Chatbots

How ChatGPT and other generative AI tools are transforming HR jobs

We’re in an AI revolution. What’s HR’s role?


Full-Service Recruitment Strategies

We're still hearing from many of you, mainly in the municipal and healthcare sectors, that recruitment and filling vacant positions is still a challenge.

Pesce & Associates has upped our game when it comes to helping you with recruitment, by partnering with experts in the field and adopting technology so we can offer you a full-service experience to reach and acquire the best candidates.

Our talent recruitment partners now include:

▪ RAD Potential RAD Potential specializes in brand engagement, marketing, and talent analytics.
▪ TalentNest Recruitment Management Software P&A uses the TalentNest software to effectively reach candidates, track applicants, and move them through the hiring process.
▪ Talent Engagement Consulting We recently joined forces with Talent Engagement Consulting to help you with your recruitment processes and frameworks.
RAD Potential RAD Potential specializes in brand engagement, marketing, and talent analytics.
TalentNest Recruitment Management Software P&A uses the TalentNest software to effectively reach candidates, track applicants, and move them through the hiring process.
Talent Engagement Consulting We recently joined forces with Talent Engagement Consulting to help you with your recruitment processes and frameworks.

Whether or not you are hiring at this moment, it's important to have a solid recruitment strategy in place. Contact P&A anytime to help!

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