Village Newsletter Concepts FINAL

The Village has always met each and every challenge with grace, transparency and integrity. Currently, we are working to gather input from the community for the Inspire Pinecrest Parkway (US 1) Vision Plan. We have held four meetings both in-person and virtually, and plan to host more in the coming months. There are no future meetings scheduled at this time.

The latest update on the plan's evolution includes lowering the maximum contemplated height of 8 stories to 4-6 stories. Additionally, the Village is hiring a team of architects, engineers, landscape architects, and other experts. The team of consultants will provide the Village with conceptual renderings of different height and buffering scenarios. An advisory committee to work with staff and the consultants will also be formed.

If you are a Pinecrest resident and are an architect, city planner, transportation engineer or landscape architect and would like to volunteer to serve on the advisory committee, please email Use "volunteer" in the subject line.

To watch the latest Council workshop held on January 31, 2022 on the subject, visit For more information about the Pinecrest Parkway (US 1) Vision Plan, please visit

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Mayor Joseph M. Corradino at the Town Hall held on 1/27


Hidden Pines Park is located between 90 and 92 Streets and parallel to 70 Avenue.


The Parks and Recreation Department launched a holistic health movement named #FitCrest to encourage practicing activities that are good for the mind, body and soul.

Each month, a set of three challenges will be presented for you to complete. Use #FitCrest and post your progress. You can complete one activity or all three. What matters is starting. You can visit Hidden Pines Park located between 90 and 92 Streets and parallel to 70 Avenue (pictured above) to start.



Thank you for using the #Pinecresting hashtag. We see fantastic photographs, and would like to share some of our favorites. This month we are featuring photography by @aiyanasempiredg from Instagram at the recurring Yoga & Goats event hosted by the Parks and Recreation Department. Visit the Parks and Recreation website or call 305.284.0090 for information about this program.

Make sure to use #Pinecresting and #PinecrestKind and #FitCrest in your social media posts, and you might see your photograph here next month!


January 11 Village Council Meeting Summary

▪ The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with DW Recreation Services for the Evelyn Greer Park playground replacement project (Resolution 2022-1).
▪ The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to negotiate an agreement with Aecom for the Coral Pine Park improvements design – Phase II (Resolution 2022-2).
▪ The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with the State Attorney’s Office for prosecution of certain criminal violations (Resolution 2022-3).
▪ The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to renew the agreement with Ecostrata Services for grant writing services (Resolution 2022-4).
▪ The Village Council passed a resolution awarding an agreement with Tischler for the impact fee report update (Resolution 2022-5).
▪ The Village Council passed a resolution approving the Opioid Settlement Interlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County governing the use of opioid settlement funds allocated to the Miami-Dade County regional fund (Resolution 2022-6).
▪ The Village Council approved an ordinance on second reading amending Article II, “Noises; Unnecessary and Excessive Prohibited,” of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances relating to leaf blowers. Enforcement will begin January 1, 2023.
▪ The Village Council approved an ordinance on first reading amending Article IX, “Special Events,” of Chapter 16 and Chapter 18, “Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations,” relating to special event permitting procedures. The second reading of the ordinance is scheduled for February 8, 2022.
▪ The Village Council approved an ordinance on second reading amending the Pinecrest Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26, Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places, Article V, Articles in the Public Right-of-way and Other places; and Chapter 30, Land Development Regulations, Article 4, Zoning District Regulations, Article 5, Additional Regulations, Article 6, Environmental Regulations, and Article 9, Rules of Construction and Definitions.
▪ The Village Council approved an ordinance on second reading amending Division 5.32, “Vacation Rentals,” of Article 5, Chapter 30, “Land Development Regulations,” relating to fractional ownership of vacation properties (Ordinance 2022-4).
▪ The Village Council passed a resolution endorsing smart-growth principles and endorsing the cause of the “hold the line coalition” (Resolution 2022-7).
▪ By unanimous consent, the mayor was authorized to negotiate an employment agreement with Ms. Priscilla Torres to serve as Village Clerk.
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with DW Recreation Services for the Evelyn Greer Park playground replacement project (Resolution 2022-1).
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to negotiate an agreement with Aecom for the Coral Pine Park improvements design – Phase II (Resolution 2022-2).
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with the State Attorney’s Office for prosecution of certain criminal violations (Resolution 2022-3).
The Village Council passed a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to renew the agreement with Ecostrata Services for grant writing services (Resolution 2022-4).
The Village Council passed a resolution awarding an agreement with Tischler for the impact fee report update (Resolution 2022-5).
The Village Council passed a resolution approving the Opioid Settlement Interlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County governing the use of opioid settlement funds allocated to the Miami-Dade County regional fund (Resolution 2022-6).
The Village Council approved an ordinance on second reading amending Article II, “Noises; Unnecessary and Excessive Prohibited,” of Chapter 15 of the Code of Ordinances relating to leaf blowers. Enforcement will begin January 1, 2023.
The Village Council approved an ordinance on first reading amending Article IX, “Special Events,” of Chapter 16 and Chapter 18, “Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations,” relating to special event permitting procedures. The second reading of the ordinance is scheduled for February 8, 2022.
The Village Council approved an ordinance on second reading amending the Pinecrest Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26, Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places, Article V, Articles in the Public Right-of-way and Other places; and Chapter 30, Land Development Regulations, Article 4, Zoning District Regulations, Article 5, Additional Regulations, Article 6, Environmental Regulations, and Article 9, Rules of Construction and Definitions.
The Village Council approved an ordinance on second reading amending Division 5.32, “Vacation Rentals,” of Article 5, Chapter 30, “Land Development Regulations,” relating to fractional ownership of vacation properties (Ordinance 2022-4).
The Village Council passed a resolution endorsing smart-growth principles and endorsing the cause of the “hold the line coalition” (Resolution 2022-7).
By unanimous consent, the mayor was authorized to negotiate an employment agreement with Ms. Priscilla Torres to serve as Village Clerk.

Village Council
Joseph M. Corradino, Mayor
Katie Abbott, Vice Mayor
Shannon del Prado
Anna Hochkammer
Doug Kraft

Yocelyn Galiano, ICMA-CM, Village Manager
Priscilla Torres, CMC, Village Clerk
Mitchell Bierman, Village Attorney

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