Jim Cramer's "Off the Charts" segment on CNBC's Mad Money used Carley Garner's analysis of natural gas on the June 21st show! "Today we are going Off


See DeCarley analysis on the Mad Money TV show!

Jim Cramer's "Off the Charts" segment on CNBC's Mad Money used Carley Garner's analysis of natural gas on the June 21st show!

"Today we are going Off the Charts with the help of Carley Garner. She is a brilliant technician and commodities expert" ~ Jim Cramer

Looking at charts is often helpful to determine the trajectory of a given stock or commodity. That is why Cramer turned to Carley Garner, a technician and commodities expert who is the co-founder of DeCarley Trading and a colleague at RealMoney.com.

When Garner reviewed the charts for natural gas, she was skeptical that the move could last. Natural gas tends to be hostage to weather patterns. Last winter was an unseasonably warm winter in the Mid-West and East coast, which meant people needed less fuel for heat.

Accordingly, Cramer spoke with Carley Garner, a technician, commodities expert, co-founder of DeCarley Trading and a colleague of Cramer's at RealMoney.com — to get a sense of when the linkage between oil and stocks will finally snap.

Click here to check out the text and video archive of the June 21st Mad Money segment featuring DeCarley analysis!

Analysis techniques used on Mad Money are detailed in Carley's new book, Higher Probability Commodity Trading!

HPCT Cover 2

Pre-order your copy today!

"A great read for both beginner and advanced commodity traders. Carley nails the seemingly impossible task of leveling the playing field by imparting vital concepts in easy to digest bites ...she doesn't leave out the harsh realities and heartbreak many overzealous speculators face." -- Jon Najarian, co-founder NajarianFamilyOffice.com

"I love the book... it's an MBA in trading for the price of a few cups of Starbucks! I have been in financial markets for 30 years and I learned many new strategies and ideas...Bravo!"--Tobin Smith CEO & Founder Transformity Media Inc., Former Co-star of Bulls and Bears on Fox News

DeCarley Trading works hard to provide clients with quality insight into the markets. One of our recent issues of the DeCarley Perspective was featured on CNBC's Mad Money on June 21st. The DeCarley Perspective is a publication distributed exclusively to DeCarley's brokerage clients. If you are interested in being part of the loop, open a trading account today!

Original DeCarley Perspective emailed to our brokerage clients and used by Jim Cramer on Mad Money:


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DeCarley Trading, a division of Zaner






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