Did you miss Galactic Activation Webinar with Dr. Scott Werner? Dr. Scott declared at the end that he would be glad to come back next month. I hope y

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Did you miss Galactic Activation Webinar with Dr. Scott Werner?

Dr. Scott declared at the end that he would be glad to come back next month. I hope you have him back. I have more questions. Thanks for all you do. MJ P


In the nick of time, Dr. Scott Werner returns, bringing information and insights on how, with higher-frequency healing energies, we can accelerate our ascension process.

But how do we untangle ourselves from the present uncertainties, while maintaining and enhancing our physical immunity and spiritual power? Scott will give us the tools to conquer our fears, keep mind and body strong, and rise above the current global tyranny.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Scott Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus
• Combatting Fear by Raising Our Frequencies
Strengthening Our Mental and Spiritual Resolve
• Reclaiming Our Freedom
Deciphering Misinformation and Waking Up to the Truth
• Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Love
Magnitude of Loving Others Unconditionally
• Managing our Energy Flow
Embracing Higher-Dimensional Wellness
• Accelerating Ascension
The leap in consciousness that can activate the process

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-44 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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The 90.10. MedBed

With the 90.10. MedBed you become completely independent. No matter what problem is bothering you and affecting your well-being, in your own bed at home you can address and resolve various issues through the power of quantum energy. Your consciousness and your body's own self-healing power will be raised to a new level.


Note from Colleen: I found this site fascinating. I'm still reviewing the information, so no opinion yet. It is better to give you the link and let you explore at your will. More and more frequeny healing modalities will become available to us. Possibilities are limitless.

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5D Reality is Already Here ~ Do you Feel it?

by Vidya Frazier

PS I always enjoy reading Vidya's postings. She has a way with words.


A new Reality is emerging – a reality existing within a bandwidth created by the high-frequency waves of light that are now flooding the Earth like never before.

It’s a reality filled with joy and freedom and harmony, one in which you can create a life you’ve always yearned for.

No longer is this new 5D Reality simply a dream, a hope, or a vision of a better future: it is already here, now more available than ever, awaiting our discovery of it.

This new Reality may not be obvious to you. In looking around at the world at this point, you might think it’s crazy to believe in its existence. The world looks like it’s collapsing and out of control in so many different ways. But that is because this new Reality is not very visible yet in the outer world: it’s arising first within us.

Profound Changes within You

If you tune into your Heart, you may realize that yes, maybe it does exist — because something profound and powerful has been birthing within you for some time now.

You may find, that despite all the challenges and loss you’ve experienced in the last couple of years, despite the horrendous events occurring in the world, something new and exciting has been coming to life inside of you.

It may be a new sense of empowerment and inner freedom that has gradually developed. Or a feeling of greater clarity, or a sense of healthy detachment. Maybe it’s a greater capacity for love and joy – and a more profound experience of peace. Or some combination of all of these. Somehow, you find that you are profoundly different; a new, more awake YOU has emerged, very alive and aware.

You may not notice these new experiences all the time. You’re probably aware more than most people of the deep levels of darkness that are currently being revealed and played out in the world. Yet, despite this, and despite experiences of despair, grief, rage and confusion that come and go, you perhaps can’t deny that these positive changes have also occurred within you. All along, as you’ve found your way through all the confusion and toppling of beliefs and freedoms, these new experiences have likely happened, as well.


Really look and see. Have other abilities and skills also developed in you? Have new awarenesses opened up? Has greater spiritual awakening occurred?

Have you also experienced greater “magic” in your life, synchronicities that happen more and more often? Have problems that felt unsolvable somehow miraculously resolved themselves?

If all this rings true for you, and you focus on these positive changes that have somehow occurred within you, you can naturally shift into the 5D frequency and begin experiencing the promise of this new Reality that is now emerging — even amidst the crumbling of the old world that is happening all around you.

Creating Your New Life

In this new Reality, you can experience a feeling of joyous excitement in exploring the new 5D frequency that’s now available to live in. You can begin to experiment with the new energies available to manifest experiences of even greater freedom and ease.

You can more easily create a life of profound love and compassion for yourself and others, a life of excitement, adventure and fulfillment, a life in which a sense of quiet bliss is available, no matter what may be occurring. You can jump onto new positive timelines that weren’t available to you before. The ease that now exists in creating all this can be mind-blowing.

This is not a time for despair or giving up. Yes, grief may pass through you, anger may arise, and depression may still pull on you. But be aware of the weaker grip these emotions now have on you – how they can arise and then release much more easily, even without having to do anything much at all. There’s a natural flow occurring in which old energies are quickly releasing, and new energies are taking residence within you. Contemplate this. You’ll see that you don’t have to work so hard anymore to bring healing to yourself.

Islands of Light

What you can come to realize is that the new 5D Reality is a consciousness, a consciousness that can create an external reality for you in your own life.

And true joy can appear when you see how your new life, filled with ease and freedom and harmony, will then begin to flower and expand, so that you are affecting the lives of others around you as well. Indeed, before you know it, you can realize that you have created an “island of light” for all of you to live in.

At that point, you can then discover how there are other similar islands of light that are forming across the globe and how all of these islands are connected to each other, like a web of light. And, whether you know anyone living in these other islands of light or not, you can feel them in your Heart. You can sense your soul connection with them and know that not only are you not alone – you are actually among millions of people now awakening to this new level of 5D consciousness.

You can experience such joy in this realization, you might laugh out loud or burst into tears. Because it is beginning to happen – that dream we’ve all had for so long, that 5D vision of a new world in which all may live in peace and love and harmony.

It will take a while for this 5D world to fully manifest in the greater external world; much must take place in all those areas where control, oppression and hatred still reside. And it’s important to stay aware of events and conditions occurring in the world, and to take care of yourself and do what you are inwardly led to do.

But be aware: you no longer need to be part of that old world. You can be in it, but not of it. You are a powerful, sovereign Being and can begin living in the new Reality now and create the life you wish to live. And, in doing this, you’ll come to realize that you are helping to create it in the greater external world.

Feel that power within you to do this – it is already there!

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