Valentine News1

Hello, Friends!

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Happy Valentine's Day

Years ago when my children were in school, I was a room mother. That meant that when there was a holiday, I was one of those bringing cupcakes or whatever was needed to make a party. My favorite school party for the kids was always Valentine's Day. That was because every child got a Valentine from all the other children in the class, or at least nearly all of them. Some kid might have fallen down on the job and forgotten his Valentines, but he would have gotten one from all the others and his lack would have gone unnoticed. Back then - that was a few years ago - nobody worried about Valentines with candy. Everybody just exchanged those "Be Mine, Valentine" little cards. But my kids loved getting them and went through them over and over when they came home as they read all the silly little messages. Nobody took all the romancing very seriously although I'm sure some teasing went on. Maybe even some real note passing to say this or that boy liked this or that girl.

Frankie Marley 2022

So I hope you have a sweet Valentine Day with fun memories of Valentines in the past. While many think of the day solely for sweethearts, I believe it's a day to appreciate all kinds of loves. A special time with your partner in love, for sure, but also a time to rejoice in the love for your sisters and brothers, your parents, your kids, your church family, your friends, and especially a time to remember the Lord's love.

Valentine's Day can be a time to celebrate love in all its forms. Frankie and Marley might even say it's a day to give your furry friends an extra treat.

Stories Full of Love

When the Meadow Blooms cover

If any place on God’s earth was designed to help one heal, it is Meadowland.

I'm sure you've heard "Love makes the world go around." Indeed, where would we all be without love? In fact, where would many books be without love threaded into the story? Boy meets girl or girl meets boy livens up most stories, mine included. You can read about three romances in Along a Storied Trail. In my upcoming release, When the Meadow Blooms, love makes plenty of appearances with mother child love, the memory of a special love, even love as a way to find healing. The book, due out in May, is available for pre-order now at most internet bookselling sites. Baker Bookhouse has a great pre-order deal with 40 percent off plus free shipping. I'm excited for you to head to Meadowland with my characters.

Books & Chocolate, a Valentine Month Giveaway

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Books Feb 2022

A newsletter means a giveaway and since this is a valentine to you and a lot of people think chocolate is good on Valentine's Day, the prize is some fancy chocolates and the winner's choice of an autographed copy of one of my books. Two second place winners will also get a choice of one of my books. To enter you can simply respond to this email or you can send a message from my Contact Page on my website. You must be at least 18 years old to enter and deadline for entries is midnight EST on Monday February 28, 2022. Winners will be notified by email.

I love hearing from readers. So, if you would like to share a Valentine story with me, please do. That is only for fun and not necessary to enter. Any email will get you that entry. If you do decide to share a story, please let me know if it's for my eyes only as I sometimes share readers' stories forward on my blog, One Writer's Journal.

More Book News

M at Courthouse square 2

Thanks to those of you who listened to my audio narration of Love Comes Home and left reviews. Reviews are always so appreciated for any of my books, but I was sort of holding my breath to see what some of you thought about my narration of the story.
So, reading this Amazon review was a relief.
I loved hearing Ann Gabhart's voice in this audio book. I had not previously read the other novels in this series, but soon grew to love the Merritt family and the sisters whose husbands were returning from WWII. ...Martha, Amazon reviewer
I still have a few free downloads of Love Comes Home, and now the audio of my first Hidden Springs mystery, Murder at the Courthouse, is available, again narrated by me. And again, I have some free downloads. So, if you're interested in hearing me read my mystery to you, be sure to let me know.

Parting Shots - Love Advice from Kids

What do most people do on a date?
"Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough." ~Lynnette, 8
What is the right age to get married?
"Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." ~Camille, 10
How would you make a marriage work?
“Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck.” ~Ricky, 10
How can a stranger tell if two people are married?
"You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids." ~Derrick, 8
How do you decide who to marry?
"You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming." ~Alan, 10
"No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with." ~Kirsten, 10

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Thanks for reading my newsletter and I hope you have a blessed year coming your way with plenty of reasons to smile. One reason is that it won't be long until spring and the dogwoods will be blooming again.

Happy Reading!


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