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Hola :

So how long have you been on my mailing list thinking, dreaming, amen-ing about what you want to do and have yet to book a session, take a class, finish that script, sign that new manager, pitch that pilot, raise that money, get that script finished and submitted?

If you've been reading my posts (which I know you have otherwise, you wouldn't be getting this message), obviously something is beginning to click...

so why haven't you taken the next step?

Well, I'm going to make things easy for you. I have opened up 6 new private coaching spots in the following areas:

1. How to Write a Solo Show Using the Psychological Gesture
2. TheDreamingOutLoud Emotional Type Branding
3. Finish Your Damn Script DreamingOutLoud Technique
1. How to Write a Solo Show Using the Psychological Gesture
2. TheDreamingOutLoud Emotional Type Branding
3. Finish Your Damn Script DreamingOutLoud Technique
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Transformational Coaching is all about moving from FEAR to Fuck It...

You're a great fit for this program if you're ready to identify the problem, fix it by any means necessary and leave this process with a finished project or complete result:

If you're ready for a transformation, it means you're ready to work with a coach who will take you from start to finish.

I only work with folks ready to sign with the new management team, ready to finish the script, get it produced, ready to raise the money and self-produce the film, ready to complete the lookbook and find investors.

Who I'm not interested in working with:

▪ folks committed to working for less money than they deserve
▪ folks committed to doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result
▪ folks more committed to their pain and failure than they are their ability to change the very fabric of their lives by any means necessary.
▪ If you're still committed to starving in the theatre and making a lack of money your main excuse, then I'm not your coach.
folks committed to working for less money than they deserve
folks committed to doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result
folks more committed to their pain and failure than they are their ability to change the very fabric of their lives by any means necessary.
If you're still committed to starving in the theatre and making a lack of money your main excuse, then I'm not your coach.

Who I would LOVE to work with:

▪ If you've finally decided to stop living pay check to pay check or collecting unemployment and have really built a stable base for yourself so you can focus on upleveling your career, then I'm the master of transformation...I will take you across the finish line.
▪ If you're working in TV/Film like a madwoman or madman, but can't seem to break through "white girl's best friend" or you know you should be telling your story which is a whole lot deeper and more specific than the shit you're going out for ...then, I'm your coach.
If you've finally decided to stop living pay check to pay check or collecting unemployment and have really built a stable base for yourself so you can focus on upleveling your career, then I'm the master of transformation...I will take you across the finish line.
If you're working in TV/Film like a madwoman or madman, but can't seem to break through "white girl's best friend" or you know you should be telling your story which is a whole lot deeper and more specific than the shit you're going out for ...then, I'm your coach.

We'll figure out how to package, market and brand your emotional type and begin creating work that is worthy of your full humanity.

All you have to do is be willing to work your ass off and meet your dreams as a winner...because I will show you how to accept your gifts and use them til they are worn out...

I'm always game for success...are you?

If you're ready, then let's do this...



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How It Works

Step 1. You click on the private coaching link.
Step 2. Complete the Discovery Session Intake Form
Step 3. Pay the $750 Discovery Session Fee
Step 4. Schedule Your Discovery Session
Step 5. Complete Your Discovery Session
Step 6. At the end of your session, if you're a good fit for private coaching with me, your $750 will be credited to your private coaching package.
Step 7. If we're not a a good fit, I'll refund your $750 with in 48 hours of our session.

It's pretty simple...

I've instituted the refundable $750 so that only the serious folks apply...my time is valuable as is yours...and I've learned to honor it.

So, if we're a good fit, it's a win win...if we're not, you lose nothing except 80 minutes of your time discovering the value of your dreams...

Either way, you leave with more than what you came with...knowledge is power.


Let's. Do. This.

Love, Light, Power & All That GoddessShit,

April & TheDreamUnLocked Team

P.S. Don't worry if you're not ready yet...

_I put a price tag to this FREE offer, so you can continue to make excuses about money.__

Here's why money is an excuse:

Because if you were truly ready to step into your power, NOTHING, could stop you.

You'd give up all the free, go-nowhere-stuff you're doing, you'd stop putting other peoples hopes, wishes, dreams, problems ahead of yours. You would CHOOSE YOU FIRST without hesitation or fear. And if you're not there, pressing these sign up buttons, let that be a light bulb!

WTF, do I have to do to get to I'm Ready. I challenge you to stop buying weaves, tickets to other peoples shows, trips to family members who don't support your dreams, loans and bail outs of family members who wouldn't or couldn't put your first; stop doing readings and workshops for free, stop going to the regions instead of doing your own work, stop bitching about what other people got on Social media, stop buying new outfits and gel manis to go to jobs that pay you less than unemployment, ...

Let this be a wake-up call for you to ask yourself, why you continue to chase people, places and things that give you so little in return for your tireless, brillant efforts?

Allow this note to force you to think about that, to grow tired of settling and exhaustion and figure out how to get to FUCK this: I'm actually worthy of my dreams!

Sit with that...I'll be here...living my best life and manifesting like a motherfucker that you will start living yours....

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