
Go Green Tip of the Month - Reduce Junk Mail (Part 3)

Every month, we are offering a tip to encourage our school community to be more eco-friendly. The tips may be small, but they can amount to big changes that help our children have a healthy and thriving planet in the future.

Do you enjoy receiving junk mail? Few people do. Besides being annoying, did you know junk mail is also incredibly harmful to the environment? According to the New York University School of Law, 5.6 million tons of catalogs and other direct mail advertisements end up in U.S. landfills annually. That’s a lot!

So want to reduce all that junk mail? In January, we tackled reducing prescreened credit card offers. Last month we tackled reducing direct mailers. For the last of this junk mail series, we’ll tackle catalogs.

-- Visit and click Sign Up Today
-- Each time you get a catalog you don’t want, go to the website again, click on Cancel a Catalog, and enter the information from the catalog.
-- Note that it can take 2-3 months to stop receiving that catalog, since many catalogs are already in print or production, so don’t get discouraged if you still see junk mail even after taking this step.

And that’s it for our reducing junk mail tips. Remember that even if you did all of the steps, you won’t stop receiving ALL junk mail, but you have reduced it, and that’s something to be proud of!


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