Pysanka Symbolism

Hello Poopchik!

Ukrainians have written blessings and protection on eggs for several thousand years. We understand egg as symbol of eternity and life, for its endless shape that actually contains life.

More pysanky we write, better we ward off evil and protect ourselves and others.

Below, Baba has posted beautiful pysanky images donated by fans for Sacred Beauty book, a charity project for Ukrainian Army.

Pysanka Mary Pylypowycz

Mary Pylypowicz has used oldest designs known, from Trypillian culture that existed in Ukraina from 5000 to 2750 BC, Neolithic era. We always see spirals and curls, which represent endless nature of universe (also our DNA), and are said to trap evil.

Colours are from natural sources such as plants and clay. Honouring earth is shown by plant leaves.

cHalyna Gross Edmonton

Halyna Gross has created layers of deep meaning. Darker colours are usually given to elders in community, to symbolize our fullness of life and wisdom that goes with.

Black is eternity, our beloved poppies are joy of life. Eight pointed stars are sun, for happiness and growth. Again, you can see curls for continuance of life cycles, we call bezkonechnyk, or "eternity band". Crosses have several meanings. Of course, Christian cross. Also four directions and four elements.

Red is happiness and life-giving blood. Christians usually include pysanka or krashanka (single colour) egg in their Easter basket that has red.

Helena has also used orange, which is for strength and endurance, another attribute of sun.

cKaren Korkuc

Karen Korkuc has incorporated animals, Tree of Life and wheat into her pysanky.

Horses mean strength and victory, a tribute to our Scythian ancestors who first domesticated them, and essentially lived on their backs. As well as enjoying mare's milk and cheese. I always think of how cheese was probably invented by carrying milk on horseback! See my last newsletter for Easter cheese, Hrudka, recipe.

Stags are nobility and protection, as well as gratitude for all the nutrition and tools that can be derived from deer.

Fish are essentially symbol of Christian faith. It was secret symbol among early Christians. Originally, fish represented abundance of food. They are often source of help in our folk tales.

Tree of Life is protection and favour by Nature, and endless growth.

Karen has written a symbol you don't see often, a trylyst, or "three leaf". This is also ancient sun symbol in green for resurrection and new life.

Wheat blesses crops and community. Grains of wheat are individual souls in community.

Click button below for not only my recipes, but instructions for krashanky, Easter eggs with vegetable dyes!

cCarolynn Daviduck

Carolynn Daviduck's
red bird brings messages from Heaven, fertility and abundance.

Symbols that look like small trees in middle pysanka are
"bohyn'ky", little goddesses. They represent protection from our Mother Goddess Berhennya.

cJanet Palin Winnipeg

Janet Palin has focused on agricultural symbols, written to bless crops and animals.

Blue is for skies and good health, as well as rain to grow crops and feed rivers.

Plough marks and rakes are blessings for harvest.

Ladders mean prayers climbing to Heaven.


Lighter colours are usually given to younger people, to represent blank slate of life. Yellow is common, for joy. White symbolizes purity and innocence.

Pysanky are placed in furrows for abundant crops. Some people place them under nesting hens and bee hives. Personally, I did not enjoy cleaning broken old pysanky from chicken coop.

Pysanky are kept in bowls or hung in windows and doorways in both home and barn for protection against sickness, storms and fire. I make extra to protect my people against Putin.

We give pysanky to people we are interested in romantically, our priest, our children and grandchildren, as well as place on graves of loved ones.

More pysanky you write and give away, more your blessings! Also, more cleaning of wax and dye from carpet. Oi yoi yoi.

You can make pysanky to bless both livestock and pets.

These traditions go hand in hand with Paska blessings I explain in my book Baba's Kitchen: Ukrainian Soul Food.. Since time is short to order paperback, you can get instant download, with individual printable recipes and grocery lists.


Христос Воскрес ! Воістину Воскрес!
I wish you most blessed and Happy Easter and Spring!

Bud’ velyky yak verba, zdorovi’ yak voda, bohati yak zemlia’.

“Be as big as willow, healthy as water, rich as earth."

Baba Raisa

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Click for Sacred Beauty Easter book

cLori Melnychuk

Lori Melnychuk


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