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Welcome to Draw from The Well!

For those who are new here, this is the newsletter that I send out once a month to friends and family. The newsletter is is one of my favorite ways to connect and to share ideas, information, and resources that will help us embrace God's design for our lives. The newsletter also links to the blog content for each month and typically shares some behind the scenes happenings.

Speaking of behind the scenes happenings, June has been a roller-coaster type month around here. While there have been many wonderful and exciting things happening in the area of ministry,as a family we have faced some hard.

During the month of June I've had the privilege of teaching a brand new weekly class about Life Balance - and what the Bible says about it - to a group of ladies who have now become my family! The "Gear-Up" for our now-annual prayer challenge for grandparents is well under way, and a new journaling resource is in the works!!!

This month as a family we've also faced some very hard as one of our members received a tough medical diagnosis. The prognosis is good. Praise the Lord!! But there has still been a flood of emotions to deal with and a major surgery to get through. In fact, the surgery is scheduled for this afternoon. We would love your prayers for the delicate surgery and for the lengthy recovery to come.

Still in it all, God is Good! We are extremely grateful for the prognosis, the highly skilled surgeon and medical team, and the grace God has poured out upon us in the form of prayers, emails, texts, hugs, and in so many other ways,

Perhaps, just perhaps, this is why I was led to "BE' as my word for the year and the reason He has orchestrated this six week class where our focus has been on learning to live a God-Centered Life. (Just sayin"!)

So many of you have been such an encouragement to me and my family this past month, I thank you.

Please be encouraged as you read this issue. May you find the articles and resources beneficial as you live a legacy of love and intention.

Thank you for reading.

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Healthy Balance 101 (A six week class)

38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42 (ESV)

If you grew up in church, you probably recognize this passage. It's one of those sections of Scripture that shows up often -- in Sunday School lessons, church sermons, and ladies' Bible studies.

To be quite honest with you, I always struggled with this passage when I came to it. I really couldn't understand why someone didn't take pity on her. I did! You see, I am a Martha!

Then recently, very recently, I finally saw that little word in verse 40. Go on. Look back at the Scripture. Do you see it? Martha was "distracted." I do believe this was the first time I ever saw that word.

Martha was distracted. THAT was the problem.

And... I am so often distracted. That is the problem.

In Healthy Balance 101 we've been able to dig deep into this passage. We've discussed our "distractions." We're learning to discern the difference between the Urgent and the Truly Important, and we're diving into our Bible to discover God's purpose for our lives. In fact, we've discovered that perhaps we should be seeking to live a God-Centered life rather than a balanced life.

Healthy Balance

A God Centered Life Scripture Challenge

Perhaps you are facing some hard. Maybe you are struggling with all those plates you're trying to keep spinning. Could it be you simply need to "BE" with Him and refocus?

If your answer to any of these is, "yes," these Scriptures are for you. Print out the Scripture Challenge and spend some time with Him. Read the passages, write them, memorize them, pray them, verse map them. Dig Deeper and see that He wants to be your Center.

A God Centered Life Scripture Challenge


30-Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Prayer Challenge

The 30 -Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Challenge will be returning this year. Set to begin on Saturday, August 12th, the challenge calls us to commit to 30 days of consecutive prayer for our grandchildren.

Join other grandparents who are putting their post in the ground for their families and at the same time enjoy community, encouragement, support, and accountability in the task. Last year participation in the challenge grew from a few the year before to a few hundred. How awesome would it be to have several thousand grandparents praying for their grandchildren this year?

All the details are coming soon. The challenge would be a wonderful opportunity for churches, small groups, senior groups, or just a couple of friends to engage in. Spread the word and check back for details.

And if you are thinking this might be a good ministry opportunity for your church or other group, here is this year's booklet. Please feel free to download it and share it with your pastor or group leader.

30-Day Praying with Purpose Grandparent Prayer Challenge Booklet - 2017


Journaling for the Soul Proofing Team

Thank you to each one who responded to the invitation to join our proofing team for this project. We added several proofers to the team. I am so excited!!!!!

If you missed it and it sounds intriguing, just send me a quick email reply letting me know. There's still room for anyone who would like to be a part of the team!!


To schedule a workshop, retreat, or speaking engagement, contact Deborah via email at or use the website contact form.


"Well" banner image credit: Liz Aragon,, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0,, no changes made.

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