Updates for August 22, 2014 Full STEAM Ahead Grant Award Beckley Art Group is happy to announce that we were selected as one of the organizations to


Updates for August 22, 2014

Full Steam Ahead

Full STEAM Ahead Grant Award

Beckley Art Group is happy to announce that we were selected as one of the organizations to receive a Full STEAM Ahead Grant! The grant was made possible by the Beckley Area Foundation, Benedum Foundation, and the WV Division of Culture and History.

Beckley Area Foundation describes the grant:

"The Beckley Area Foundation (BAF) received a $100,000 grant from the Benedum Foundation to support teaching and learning that integrates the Arts into one or more of the STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering and math. STEAM projects offer a cutting edge approach to teaching and learning that fosters innovation, creative problem solving, flexible thinking, and risk taking – necessary skills of leaders in our rapidly changing global economy. BAF has enlisted the Arts Section of the WV Division of Culture and History to assist with the administration of this re-granting program."

We greatly appreciate the vision of these three organizations in creating a grant opportunity that integrates the arts into the technical disciplines. This grant will help enable Beckley Art Group to provide two, ten-week workshops on the Heliographic Art of Textiles. This workshop combines textile-based art with chemistry, geometry and mathematics. Darci McKinnon leads the program. More details on the workshops will follow soon.

A second round of STEAM Grants is underway now. Visit the BAF website for details about this innovative grant program. Click any of the images below to learn more about these organizations and how they support the arts.

Full Steam Ahead
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Poets' Café Special Edition

Please join us as spoken art converges with visual art in the Cynthia Bickey Gallery! Poets' Café: Special Edition will take place Saturday, August 30th. Our special guest, Kirk Judd, presents his workshop "Sounds About Right", poetry as spoken-word art, at 4:00pm. There is a $10 workshop fee. Then at 6:00pm we'll have a public reception. At 6:30pm, our featured artists for the evening - Tim Armentrout, Danny McMillion, and Shannon "Smoove" Smith - join Kirk for Poets' Café. Refreshments will be served and admission is free.

About Kirk
Kirk Judd has lived, worked, trout fished and wandered around in West Virginia all of his life. Kirk was a member of the Appalachian Literary League, a founding member and former president (and JUG recipient) of West Virginia Writers, Inc. , and is a founding member of and creative writing instructor for Allegheny Echoes, Inc., dedicated to the support and preservation of WV cultural heritage arts. Author of 3 collections of poetry “Field of Vision” 1986, “Tao-Billy” 1996, and “My People Was Music” 2014, and a co-editor of the widely acclaimed anthology, “Wild, Sweet Notes – 50 Years of West Virginia Poetry 1950 – 1999”, he is widely published. Kirk was honored to be one of the 5 readers selected for the installation ceremony of Louise McNeill Pease as Poet Laureate in 1979 at the WV Cultural Center on the Capitol grounds in Charleston, WV, and currently sits on the board of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation headquartered in Hillsboro, WV. He is internationally known for his performance work combining poetry and old time music, and has performed poetry in Ireland and across West Virginia at fairs, concerts, and festivals for the past 35 years.

Visit Amazon.com for his newly published book, My People Was Music.


beckley art center
cynthia bickey gallery
600 johnstown road
beckley, wv 25801

phone 304.253.9226
e-mail beckleyartgroup@gmail.com
online www.beckleyartcenter.org
hours wednesday through saturday, 11am to 5pm

a beckley art group initiative
