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Weekly Update, October 31, 2023

Sometimes forming new habits is hard. Since Jaylene and I got back from vacation, I have been trying to workout every day. The first few days were awful and then some were good. However, that's not the end of habits. Schedules get in the way. So do feelings, illness, soreness, tiredness and just plain "I don't want to." Sometimes you fight through all that and still feel like you're not making it anywhere, so what's the point why work hard? There comes a point where you notice a success: It's harder to get your heart rate up, lift more weight, run longer, whatever and it makes it all worth it. Why do I bring this up? In our relationship with Christ we have to form new habits. We should have a desire to read the word, why? Because it's how we study God's character, who Christ is, what I should do and how I should walk

and treat people in my life. We should want to pray, because it's how we take our cares, hurts, dream, petitions before God and the beautiful thing is he hears them! But much like exercise, even though it's good and we should want to do it, it's hard to form the habit. The enemy is right there waiting for times of doubt, if you are growing, or is God listening or the whys or the moments of "well, I just don't want to to jump in and tell you it isn't worth it."

Now this may seem depressing but I want all of you at Beacon Hill to know this: I SEE YOU GROWING. If you are struggling to see it, I have seen it over the last two years and that's y'all's hard work and dedication, not anything we have done as a staff. Keep going it's worth it. If you have fallen off and feel frustrated, get up dust your self off, you can do this through Christ who lives in you! I love you all so much! Young lives are growing but we can't stop here.

Your friend,
Pastor T. Jay

fall back 2023


October 1-31: Fall Walking Challenge Beacon Hill Cheyenne vs. South High School Staff. Don't forget to count and submit your steps!

November 3-4: Ladies Retreat in Arvada. See Jaylene or Rachael for details.

November 5: Daylight Savings Time Ends Set your clocks back one hour!

November 9: Joyce Dudley's Celebration of Life 7:00 PM at the church

November 10: BINGO 6:00 PM

November 12: Events Team Meeting following the morning service.

November 12: Leadership Meeting following the Events Team Meeting.

November 17: Wild Brunch Bunch 10:30 AM

November 19: Potluck Sunday following the morning service. Theme: Sandwiches

November 22: Pie & Praise 6:00 PM

November 26: Lunch with the Pastors following the morning service.



Contact the church office or Pastor T. Jay to to be added to the email list for the weekly newsletter (what you're currently reading) and the Beacon Hill All Call, a pre-recorded phone call that is made for urgent prayer requests and important updates or reminders.


Teasia is cleaning out the church. If you have any items stored at the church, please remove them. If they're left, they will be removed or sold.


For the next couple of months, commit to praying with the pastors and trustees about:
* Unity
* Pay off Truevine: PAID IN FULL
* Operate in the black
* Grow numerically to 100 people/week on average
* 10 baptisms: 2 REMAINING
* Each ministry fully staffed
* Men's bible study: HAS BEEN STARTED
* 2 big community events
* Investment of people
* Christianity 101 class


▪ Super Church needs workers, contact Steve Levin
▪ Nursery workers needed, contact Kazia Smith
Super Church needs workers, contact Steve Levin
Nursery workers needed, contact Kazia Smith


▪ W.I.L.D. Women: contact Jaylene for more details
▪ Men's Bible Study: contact Pastor T. Jay for more details
▪ Wild Brunch Bunch: contact Casi Lathan for more details
W.I.L.D. Women: contact Jaylene for more details
Men's Bible Study: contact Pastor T. Jay for more details
Wild Brunch Bunch: contact Casi Lathan for more details

Volunteer Opportunities

Friday Food Bag Fill: Every Tuesday at 5:30 PM at Element Church (600 E Carlson St)

Know of a ministry that needs volunteers? Let us know!



Pray for our missionaries around the world!




9:30 AM Prayer Time

10:00 AM Coffee & Donuts

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Morning Service
Super Church

6:00 - 7:00 PM - Teens

6:00 - 7:00 PM - Small Group Bible Study

9:00 - 10:00 AM - Non-traditional Yoga

train yourself thankfulness



3411 Cleveland Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001

T. Jay Smith, Lead Pastor leadpastor@beaconhillcheyenne.com

Tony Reinhardt, Associate and Worship Pastor

Anthony Frail, Youth Leader

307-634-5325 - Church Office

Beacon Hill Cheyenne

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