Shambhala Planetary Monastery New pic
American Hero Nomination

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We invite you to nominate Buddha Maitreya the Christ as an American Hero in honor of the Inauguration of the new President Jo Biden and Vice president Kamala Harris on Jan 20th, 2021.

Nominee's name: Sanat Buddha Maitreya Kumara

Nominee's email:

We have shared a sample for the section 'nominee story' - please feel free to use, edit or write your own! We have also included below an inspiring reminder of just some of the activities of Buddha Maitreya the Christ.

Maitreya the Christ

Sanat Buddha Maitreya Kumara, Director of the Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Monastery, has been recognized by Marquis Who’s Who Top Executives for dedication, achievements, and religious leadership.

He has been recognized and enthroned as the reincarnation of Gautama Buddha and founder of the various schools of Tibetan Buddhism from the year 2000 onwards.

Sanat Buddha Maitreya Kumara has constantly supported people and projects to uplift and heal humanity. As part of his activities in 2020, he:

▪ Provides food and basic needs for the homeless and under-sheltered out of his Meditation Center in Omaha Nebraska, Lake County California Monastery, Meditation Center in Glastonbury England and NGO in Kathmandu, Nepal. In addition to these programs, he also offers regular support for basic living needs for many Monasteries and Temples in India and Nepal.
▪ Offers free homeopathic clinics in Kathmandu Nepal - available to all in need of help, including rural areas where poverty is widespread and access to healthcare often more limited.
▪ Builds and refurbishes Monasteries and Sacred sites in Tibet/China, India, Nepal and America.
▪ Promotes advances in science, engineering, ecology, medicine, meditation and Soul Therapy.
▪ Offers nightly OM meditations and teachings on his youtube channel to support personal and planetary healing; explaining the spiritual nature and solutions to current and historical events.
Provides food and basic needs for the homeless and under-sheltered out of his Meditation Center in Omaha Nebraska, Lake County California Monastery, Meditation Center in Glastonbury England and NGO in Kathmandu, Nepal. In addition to these programs, he also offers regular support for basic living needs for many Monasteries and Temples in India and Nepal.
Offers free homeopathic clinics in Kathmandu Nepal - available to all in need of help, including rural areas where poverty is widespread and access to healthcare often more limited.
Builds and refurbishes Monasteries and Sacred sites in Tibet/China, India, Nepal and America.
Promotes advances in science, engineering, ecology, medicine, meditation and Soul Therapy.
Offers nightly OM meditations and teachings on his youtube channel to support personal and planetary healing; explaining the spiritual nature and solutions to current and historical events.

Local & International Food Programs


Karuna Vihar, Mata Tirtha, Kathmandu 2020. Dr Raj writes "They are all thankful to His Holiness and Her Holiness for all support and Blessing with Love and Care."


Kathmandu, Nepal: The Food program started in April 2019 and soon expanded to feed up to 8000 people per month with hot meals served on site. Each meal of vegetables, rice, lentils, fruit, and fresh milk cost $3.50. Currently still in process of adjustment due to pandemic restrictions in place; raw foods are being donated to those families most in need and negotiations are in process for further activiity.

Omaha, Nebraska: Food Program started in April 2020 and is currently in process of steady expansion and improvement; 60 lunch sacks of sandwiches, chips, mixed nuts, fruit, Blessing & Prayer Cards, coffee and water are handed out daily along with clothes, blankets, shoes, sleeping bags and tents. Buddha Maitreya Jesus the Christ's Etheric weavers to wear and MP3 players with all Soul Therapy music tracks are also given.

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Click on the video link below to watch the daily food program activities in Omaha. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!

KVL Food pantry 2020

Kelseyville Food Pantry, Lake County California. Click for video

Glastonbury, UK: The food program here started in April 2020 based out of the Buddha Maitreya Soul Therapy center on the High Street. Daily sandwiches and coffee/water are available for pickup each day along with free meditations inside the Center. Coming into Winter, warm clothes, tents and sleeping bags have also been provided, offering much needed support for the most vulnerable living in this historic ancient pilgrimage town.

Lake County, California: Buddha Maitreya the Christ and Tara started to support local services in 2010; Food programs operated by the local Senior Center and Methodist Church have received weekly support to enable them to consistently offer meals to the poor and vulnerable. Each Thanksgiving and Christmas additional funds are given to help purchase food for local families who would not otherwise be able to afford a special celebratory meal. This year with the onset of the pandemic our local food services have been stretched beyond their capacity and we have expanded our weekly support to help meet the needs.

Building & Supporting Monasteries and Sacred Sites

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Click the image to learn more!

Since 1994, Buddha Maitreya has supported the renewal and restoration of sacred sites across Nepal as well as India and Tibet: rebuilding Tibetan monasteries in Dema and Litang, Tibet; constructing new Prayer halls at several Khamtsen colleges within Drepung Loseling Buddhist University, India and establishing The Great Namgyal Stupa for all Tibetan refugees and ex-political prisoners in Dharamsala.

In addition, Buddha Maitreya is renowned for his ongoing regular support of the practical daily needs of Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries with a focus on improving the basics: diet, clothing and shelter. This has been even more vital this year with the pandemic limiting many regular sources of income.

Helping Tulkus (Reincarnated Buddhist Saints)


Click the image to learn more!

"If we move into this science and restore the ancient understanding of Planetary reincarnation and Planetary healing through the reincarnation of Saints, we can quicken our process of not only becoming Saints ourselves, and opening up our faith, but actually healing the planet, because healing virtues and healing qualities come from them. We can eliminate many of our limitations, whether it be disease, emotional problems, or just problems in general and thinking that we have no way out, because there is a way out - by actually coming in contact with the Science of God."
Buddha Maitreya the Christ

Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Planetary Monastery


Click the image to learn more!

"When we build with sacred design and we work with vibration and healing and faith, then we’re actually working to heal the Soul. When we apply geomancy, such as building a temple, we are actually building a place where the energy of the Soul can be collected, stored, and placed into the Earth, and the Earth radiates more love, more kindness, more humanity, less war."
Buddha Maitreya the Christ

Offering free Health Clinics

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Click the image to learn more!

Buddha Maitreya the Christ has established a network of free medical clinics within Nepal - located in the cities of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and at Chaimale village - serving the rural outlying areas. The clinics provide both allopathic and homeopathic medicine, including the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools, to the poor and those most in need.

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Buddha Maitreya the Christ and Tara honored for their International Charitable Work

On October 17th, 2014, Buddha Maitreya the Christ and his wife Mandarava Tara were chosen as joint recipients for this year's prestigious Dr Ambedkar International Buddhist Award presented in Nagpur, India.

The award celebrates and recognizes the work of eminent personalities in the world who have worked ceaselessly to further world peace through practicing dharmic activities and spreading the teachings of Buddhism for the collective betterment of humanity. Previous recipients include the 17th Karmapa, and the 37th throne-holder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage.

Dr Ambedkar himself was a proponent of Charity as a Buddhist Expression.

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Association of Buddhist Scholars Award

2005 Buddhist Scholars medal-B

Offered to Buddha Maitreya the Christ in Kathmandu, Nepal 2005

2020 Who's Who Recognition for Executive & Humanitarian Work

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Buddha Maitreya in 2020 Marquis Who's Who - Click to Read

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Marquis Who's Who Humanitarian Award

Charity and the Soul

"My main teaching and my main work is Charity... Wisdom comes from Giving. It is the hardest thing in the world to do. So it's our Bodhicitta, Buddha nature that allows us to do this. Money can make you greedy; it can make people greedy, money itself. But money is a source of all wealth all prana. It is not inherently negative; it is a vehicle for Giving. If you give it, you receive it. Its magic is so powerful – yet, if you hold onto it, it will take away Buddha nature and it will destroy you. It is made to be given away, to be shared."

Buddha Maitreya the Christ

Able to Help?

Receive a tax deduction for Charitable Giving

As the year draws to a close it is often a time for charitable giving. In the U.S. the Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Sangha is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization (EIN 68-03961112) and both personal and company donations can be claimed as a tax deduction wherever applicable.

In the U.K. donations can be made to the New Group of World Servers Trust, Charity #1069944.

If you are able, please consider supporting Buddha Maitreya the Christ and His broad range of charitable activities this season. It is a gift of the Soul to support the planet.

Click here to make an online donation

Or contact us at:

Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Monastery:
Toll free US (877) 444-7685
US (707) 587-4015

Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Soul Therapy Centre in Glastonbury:
UK( 01458) 898221

Help Buddha Maitreya the Christ create a better world in 2021!

Namaste Prayer Hands

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Namaste Prayer Hands

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