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November 2022

Welcome Back,

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We'd like to wish our subscribers in the U.S. a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! This year, we are thankful for the excellent and collaborative team we have here at TRANSEARCH Detroit. We are also thankful for our newest team member, Jesse Fast. For this month's newsletter, we'd like to give Jesse the chance to introduce himself. But first, please see our Featured Candidates and Positions.


Featured Candidates for Employers

Candidate 1: Global Quality Director (diverse candidate)

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This candidate has had a stellar career so far, leading quality and problem-solving teams throughout the world for a large, global manufacturer. This candidate is an engineer who has experience in the automotive industry as well as the aerospace industries. Accomplishments are too many to list and the candidate can easily relocate within the USA. If you are looking to improve all of your quality metrics while adding diversity to your team, you need to contact us for more information: 313-887-8300 ex. 102 or email


Featured Positions For Job Seekers

Position 1: Corporate Director of Human Resources, Americas ($10 Billion company)

This is an outstanding organization and in this role, you will enjoy a fast track to the Regional CHRO position. This is a position with a definite succession plan in mind. You will start in a position to direct the HR function for corporate as well as oversee the Talent Center. You will also partner with business leaders to forecast talent, lead talent reviews, succession, and training and development. You will also Partner with Divisional leaders to manage associate relations and provide guidance to HR Managers on company policies, processes, etc. For more information on this position, please call 313-887-8300 ex. 102 or email


Meet Jesse Fast, Fulfillment Member at TRANSEARCH Detroit


I’m Jesse Fast, I completed a Bachelor of Commerce and an MBA, both from the University of Windsor, in Windsor Ontario, Canada. I’m a big hockey fan as well as an on-ice official. Outside of work, officiating takes up most of my free time, ranging from the draft-eligible AAA leagues to the junior-aged elite-level leagues. When I’m not on the ice, in the gym, or in the office, you’ll find me with my dog Lacey, she’s a teacup-teddy bear-toy poodle (I always make sure to add that because I don’t sound like the type of guy who would have this type of dog), watching hockey or reading the newest sales book that I can get my hands on.

Q. You have been working with TRANSEARCH Detroit for a month now. What are your first impressions? How is it going so far? Is it how you envisioned or are there things you did not expect?

After this first month, my first impression is that we practice what we preach. Our team, when fulfilling a search, is constantly talking about how influential culture and fit are, and how these are the paradigms that will determine the vision alignment, productivity, and happiness for both the candidate and the client.

Everything so far has been going great, there’s a lot to learn with a team willing to provide whatever assistance they can whenever they can. I’m expecting to learn something every day here, and so far, that’s been the case, again, I’m surrounded by a great team that wants to help whenever they can.

Q. What do you anticipate being the biggest reward working in the executive search industry?

Of course, it’s rewarding hearing all the stories about how much happier someone is now in their workplace, how they finally got their dream job, or are earning more money, but there’s one thing that sticks out well above those. On one of my first days here, the VP told me a story about someone he had placed and how great of a fit it was for both the candidate and the company. He then told me that a few days after the candidate was placed, the candidate found out he would be able to be home that year for his daughter’s birthday, the first time in many years, and he couldn’t thank our team enough for what a difference that is going to make in his life. That is what I’m looking forward to the most, the lasting relationships this career offers, coupled with being able to impact people in ways they didn’t even know they wanted.

Q. Out of all your skill sets, which one(s) do you think will be utilized the most in the day-to-day tasks of recruiting?

Throughout my life, I’ve always excelled at my ability to network, build relationships, and lead teams, whether that was in sports, school, or professional endeavors. So far, the first two have helped me immensely. This is a people business through and through. The more people you know, the more people you talk to, and ultimately the more relationships you build, the better everyone will do, client and candidate.

Q. In your opinion, what are some of the best ways for a company to make a new employee feel welcome?

Copying the culture here would be a great start, but specifically, the level of openness a team operates with, directly impacts how people are feeling and how welcome they feel. When someone isn’t afraid to ask a question, make a mistake, or even challenge a decision, that’s when you know the culture the team has cultivated has achieved its goals. Specifics of what this team excels at, as well as some of the ways a company can make a new employee feel welcome are: vulnerability and ability to trust, openness for opinions to be shared, commitment to decisions, accountability, and attention to results. In my opinion, there are the five functions that make up a successful, welcoming, and functional team.


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