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Teen World Confidential Newsletter

April 4, 2018 (Issue 46)

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Ponder this...

"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees."
Father Faber

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Know this...

Spring is associated with new beginnings. After a long, dark winter the sun finally peeks through the clouds with increased regularity. Tiny stalks of green subtly reach through the ground and towards the sky with the promise of brightly colored flowers soon to bloom. People exclaim, "The flowers are coming up! Spring is almost here! Hang in there!" In other words, winter seems impossibly long, but a new day is coming.

As people emerge from their hibernations and begin to participate in more outdoor activities, take this opportunity to spread your kindness to others. Smile and say hello to strangers as you take your daily walk. Put your phone away. Engage with nature. Offer undivided attention to the person you are walking with.

These tiny little kindnesses will act as seeds planted in the minds of your children. They will see you modeling kindness, engagement, and appreciation for nature. When they become an adult they, too, will shower others with kindness.

gay couple by Olesia Bilkei

Consider this:

Dr. Guy Winch writes about loneliness. In his article, 10 Surprising Facts About Loneliness, he states that 40% of us will feel lonely at some point in our lives. People can feel lonely even when surrounded by others.

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Do this:

Show your child this video: Buddy Benches/NBC News

And this video: CBS News: #WeDineTogether

I admit, #WeDineTogether really hit home for me. I had a similar experience of being at a new high school and sitting alone at the lunch table. Watching that video brought back the feelings of awkwardness, sadness, and loneliness.

It's okay to feel lonely at times. It helps build character and allows us to experience empathy towards others. But prolonged loneliness can be as unhealthy as any disease.

Talk to your kids.
You can teach your children the importance of including others during recess or at the lunch table. Sometimes all it takes is a kind word or a genuine smile to make someone's day. How can they make a difference in someone's day? By raising a child with kindness and empathy, you create an adult who will lead with those same traits.


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Do you know someone going through a difficult time? Someone experiencing loneliness? Your child, or a friend, perhaps? These cards tell them, simply, who they are is who you love. And that they are not alone.

Purchase here.

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