The Awakening Man {A Guide To Become A Conscious & Powerful Man} “This new warrior is noble and kind-hearted, protective, and honourable. He is also


The Awakening Man {A Guide To Become A Conscious & Powerful Man}

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Awakened Man Video Click HERE

“This new warrior is noble and kind-hearted, protective, and honourable. He is also sensitive, yet not fragile. He is conscious, powerful, masculine, and Divine.”

There is a newly awakened man emerging in the collective.

He has heard the call to a deeper life in which everything is a deeply felt experience and an ever-expanding awareness that moves from the heart outward.


“For the awakening man, community is humanity.”

He has shifted his focus from a localized, ethnocentric perspective to a world-centric framework of perception. He has a sense of responsibility that reaches beyond self and community. He is a man whose decisions are fueled by an expansive vision of possibility for all of humankind.

“The awakening man lives from the inside out, exploring and developing his inner geography.”

More interested in inner expansion than outer achievement, the awakening man cultivates and honors his intuition. Seeking congruity between his inner life and his outer manifestations, he boldly adventures deep within, integrating the treasures he excavates into his way of being.

“The awakening man has reverence for Mother Earth. He walks upon her carefully, with conscious awareness and gratitude.”

The awakening man does not imagine himself as superior or distinct from the natural world. He understands the interconnected and interdependent nature of reality. He knows that if he does damage to the environment, he does damage to himself.

“The awakening man has reverence for the Divine Feminine – in all her forms.”

He celebrates the wonder that is woman, showing her respect, honour, and gratitude.

He refuses to accept the horrors perpetuated against women by the malevolent masculine, and he holds his brothers accountable. He co-creates a reality where all women can feel safe to move about freely, find their voice, and actualize their inherent magnificence in the world. Indeed, the awakening man is helping to usher in a new paradigm, where women and men stand as equal partners.

“The awakening man courageously embraces his vulnerability, honouring the wisdom at the heart of his pain. He is emotionally honest.”

The awakening man is not afraid to surrender – to reality, to truth, to love, understanding that this is not a weakened form of surrender, but one that is emblazoned with courage. He consciously sheds his armour, facing his issues and unconscious patterns heart on, and communicates his feelings to others in a respectful way.

Indeed, the awakening man speaks the language of the heart.

Balanced between his Divine Masculine – Divine Feminine, he openly explores his capacities for receptivity and tenderness, living not as distinctly masculine or feminine, but as whole human.

“The awakening man prioritizes conscious relationship.”

He values authentic co-creation. He honours relationship as spiritual practice. He seeks physical intimacy that is deeply vulnerable and consciously connected.He is attuned, engaged and healthily boundaried. When relationship challenges arise, he courageously works through any blocks to intimacy, boldly standing in the heartfire.

“The awakening man values spiritual freedom.”

His Spirituality is tolerant, respectful, and all inclusive, honouring all paths to God, so long they are respectful of others. He accepts those who believe, and those who don’t, and condemns any path that uses religious differences as a justification for destruction.

“The awakening man is empowered from within.”

He is empowered but he does not exploit power.

The evolved man derives his power from his connection to source, not from power over others. And he neither competes for competition’s sake, nor accumulates for the sake of accumulation. Instead, he consciously chooses to share abundance and give back to his community, ever mindful of his impact on humanity.

“The awakening man leads a purpose-full existence.”

No longer satisfied with survival alone, the newly emerging awakening man’s ambitions are rooted in higher considerations: his sacred purpose. This is what energizes him, not the machinations an unhealthy ego.

“The awakening man is not externally derived – he is authentically sourced.”

He does not compare himself to others, nor does he adapt his personality to the dictates of the crowd. He stands in his own centre, respectful of others but not defined by them. He works diligently to liberate his consciousness from the egoic ties that bind.

He has become his own benchmark, valuing authenticity over image. He is the sculptor of his own reality.

“The awakening man embodies the highest standard of integrity in his words and deeds.

The awakening man makes a sustained effort to work through anything that is not in alignment with his integrity. He honours his word, even at his own expense, holding himself accountable for his actions and their effects. Neither sidestepping or blaming, he owns his misdeeds, and makes amends for them.

“The awakening man seeks wholeness.”

No longer attached to archaic, linear notions of masculinity, the newly awakening man strives for a healthy balance between the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine. He seeks a holistic way of being that reflects both of these archetypes, and is comfortable using both as he moves through life.

“The awakening man is a warrior of the heart.”

After too many lifetimes of fighting, a benevolent warrior is being birthed on the planet. He honours the warrior capacity for assertiveness, yet he is not arbitrarily aggressive, moving instead from a space of love and compassion.

This new warrior is noble and kind-hearted, protective, and honourable.

He is also sensitive, yet not fragile.

He is conscious, powerful, masculine, and Divine.

By Jeff Brown (Please read his biography & visit his website); Edited by Chelsie Diadhiou

6 Things {Sexy Consciously Awake} Women Want From Sex

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Become A Consciously Awake Man or Woman in 2015 HERE

“If you want to be the kind of lover women never forget, then it’s time to seriously educate yourself on the art of sex. An erection is not enough to make us feel the depth of your energetic being as a man, nor to connect us to higher planes.”

Contrary to popular belief, women are not less sexual than men, we’re just wired differently.

While men can get an erection and go from zero to hero in less than five minutes, most women need a whole heck of a lot more than that to feel sexually satisfied.

Let’s get one thing straight: women love sex. So, if you ever hear a woman talking about sex like it’s a chore – as if she’d rather vacuum or tidy up the house – she’s having the wrong kind of sex.

Men, do you want to see your woman’s body convulsing in orgasms? Do you want to hear her screaming in ecstasy, so loud that the neighbors can hear?

Then listen up! Women are drawn to capable men who actually care about what they do and how they do it.


“Consciously awake women want more than physical sex. It’s an exploration of connection, energy, passion, and transcendental states.”

You are more than your physical body, which is but one level of your existence. In addition to what you understand as your body (head, arms, feet, organs, etc.), you also possess an energetic body.

Energetic Body

Physical sex will only take you so far. It’s surface level with very little depth. This is the type of sex most everyone is having, as it doesn’t require much skill – but it’s boring!

When two people connect energetically – not just physically – MAGIC happens. Energy vibrates at high frequencies as it courses through our bodies, making sex a complete physical high.

“Consciously awake sex transcends basic sex on ALL LEVELS. It’s raw. It’s primal. This type of sex is Cosmic!”

If you really want to experience the depths of your lover, you have to go beyond the physical and into your energetic body. Then you can tap into deeper states of ecstasy and pleasure you once thought existed only in dreams!


1 Emotional Vulnerability

Men who are emotionally disconnected are hard to feel energetically. An erection is not enough to make us feel the depth of your energetic being as a man, nor to connect us to higher planes.

We need to feel energy emanating from your body, and this requires you to open your heart.

MEN!! Be willing to dive into the fire of your Soul. Connect to your deeper purpose. Live from this place.

2 Passion

Passionate men cannot be underrated. A man who pursues his desires passionately says far more about him as a lover than you can imagine.

A passionate lover will have conscious hands. He is the type of man that looks deep into our eyes, through our heart, and into our Soul. He will listen to her pulse, feel the rhythms of her body, and tune in to her energy.

3 Skills

Consciously awake women have no patience for men who won’t invest their time and resources into understanding what it takes to be an amazing lover.

Men who take pride in the skills they have take their time and treat their lover’s body like a temple. These men are the kind of men that understand the alchemy of sexuality.

After all, if you want a great lover, you need to be a great lover!

4 Variety

“On top”, missionary, and “from behind” are not the end all – be all of sex. Don’t get monotonous. Be creative and adventurous!

Take time to explore what your lover wants, and if you have a hard time feeling her out, ask questions.

Remember: All women are not created equal. We’re diverse in how we feel and what we want. The shape of a woman’s vagina will make certain positions more pleasing for some over others. Learn what your woman loves – which positions work and why.

A word of caution: If you are adventurous or kinky don’t connect with someone who isn’t. You need to choose lovers that have the same level of openness as you do.

5 Kissing, touch, and the breath

Kissing is one of the most erotic forms of sexuality and can fuel so much passion between lovers. In fact, kissing alone can unlock energetic bodies.

Feel into us. Let us feel your weight and your strength. We aren’t fragile. Let us feel your presence. There is healing and sensuality in touch.

It takes practice and Conscious Awareness to unlock the layers of our bodies we keep blocked most of the time.

Kissing, feeling, and breath can help us release the energetic body. Use mindful awareness to connect on a much deeper level.

6 Intimacy

Quickies are fair game… sometimes. There’s a time and a place for it. However true intimacy is not created while in a hurry – slow down!

Let go of the usual focus on achieving orgasm, and instead, feel into the entire experience: the dance, exchange and mixing of energy, the alchemy of two souls aligning in physical ecstasy.

So if you want women who crave you sexually and have orgasms that shake the walls, then try the Consciously Awake Route. You’ll thank me later.

Peace. Love. And LOTS of hot (conscious) sex!

By Kelly Marceau Visit Author Site


Clcik The Banner to Learn More on This Empowering Conversation

A Raw Dialogue with Three Coaches

Join experts Jessica Tartaro, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Intimacy and Desire Coach, Cathy Vartuli, Emotional Freedom Coach and Kendal Williams, Sex & Relationship Coach and Tantra Educator for a juicy, insightful meeting of the sensual minds.

What are you dying to know about Sex? About Intimacy or Boundaries? About Relating? What has you super curious, but there never seems an appropriate place to bring up your inquiry?

December 6th allow 3 expert coaches to use their life's journey and wisdom as well as courageous openness to answer anything you throw their way.

We will begin with a community lunch at Bridge Bistro, where you will get to eat and mingle with other Dallas area women and men curious to go the next level with their practice of sensuality.

Then Jessica, Cathy and Kendal will break into a panel discussion on "Boundaries, Intimacy and Sex", how these three topics interrelate, the importance of each, and how to navigate boundaries in a clean, healthy and pleasurable way that will not only create connection but can heal wounds...and so much more!

· Learn extremely powerful boundary-setting practices and exercises that encourage bonding, surrender and play.
· Discover the keys to intimacy building and how to maintain this human need in a healthy manner.
· Have an eye opening encounter to what "gourmet sex" is vs. "friction sex".

Then your coach panel will lead a question and answer portion of the afternoon. YOU bring the questions. We will do our best to answer each and every one...


Limited Seating - Lunch included

December 6th at Bridge Bistro in Dallas

1pm to 3pm

Advanced Tickets are NEEDED


This Years WonderLust - The Power of Female Ejaculation and G-Spot Stimulation Click Here For Info.

Empowerment Through G-Spot Massage & Female Ejaculation

December 13th, 2014 Noon to 3:30pm

Limited Seating

This mini intensive workshop has many benefits. In this workshop men and women will be able to experience a live model demo where a practitioner will focus in on key ways to locate, massage and help the G-spot to relax leading to female ejaculation. Matter a fact finding the G-Spot is the first step in learning how to ejaculate and in awakening the sensations of your lovers/your G-spot. This mini intensive workshop is perfect for anyone who:

Can’t find their lovers/own G-spot.
Wishes they could understood what a G-spot orgasm is.

Wants to learn the healing benefits as well as the pleasure benefits of G-spot massage.
Wants to learn if all women ejaculate.

You will join a small group of women and men who will create a secure and honoring group space, where you can come together to claim your understanding and awareness of the G-spot! The focus of this workshop is to understand all about the G-spot, and gain techniques to learn how to ejaculate.

We will begin with a lecture on female ejaculation and the G-spot.

What we will cover:

Female ejaculate’s ancient history and G-spot anatomy
Its function and purpose
What modern science says about the G-spot
What female ejaculate is
How it works
Why it is blocked in many women
How to release its magical, yummie, sexy, juicy, blissful flow

The rest of the workshop is devoted to showing you how to locate the G-spot and getting an experiential taste of what a G-spot orgasm looks like as well as female ejaculation.

The private, secure space that is arranged for the group will support you in asking and viewing all the fundamental details about this wondrous little Female Empowerment tool. (This is not a hands on event however, only viewing demo)

Got Questions about the Life Changing Power of G-Spot Massage? READ THIS

Register TODAY at the bottom of this page.


Yoni Massage for Female Ejaculation

One of the most juicy event of sexual play can happen when a woman surrenders to her partner so deeply that she erupts with love juices. This is known as Female Ejaculation.

Many women are fearful of the strange pulsations that occur prior to this event, and most men and women do not believe that ALL women can ejaculate. However, all women can and most have at some point in their lives even they are not aware.

Often female ejaculation can happen during intercourse making it just feel as though she got extra wet. But during an intense orgasm a woman's G-spot will become more engorged and thus her urethral sponge will as well. When the two of these have become sufficiently pleased you enter the realm of possibility for female ejaculation.

This weeks Tip for You and Your Lover is just to do this!

Tips for increasing the chances of female ejaculation:
1. Discuss the wanting to explore this prior and talk about breathing and relaxing when the strange feeling of possibly urinating comes into play or extra pressure.
2. Go to the bathroom prior to lovemaking.
3. Take it slow and check in with each other.
4. Yoni (Vaginal- Vulva) Massage with your hands
5. Oral sex with finger penetration
6. G-Spot Massage with clitorial massage from hand, mouth or vibrator
7. Breathing deep.
8. Push past the fear of urinating on your partner and surrender to a deep orgasm.
9. Woman - Press down on your partners hand as its massaging your G-Spot, open your hips and allow the orgasm.
10. Cum in your partners hand/mouth. Don't fear anything. There is something so sexy and hot about a woman who can surrender to this level for her lover and ejaculate.
11. Have Fun and Be Patient! This process is not one of 5 or 10 minutes. Each woman has her own warm up time and has to psychologically process everything to get good with this. Realize that it may take 20 plus minutes of massage and stimulation and a few orgasms prior this surrender point.

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