Paska and Babka pd

Hello Poopchik! Here are

Paska & Babka recipes for you.

I am sending you to my exclusive Velyk Den', Ukrainian Easter page.

Krystos Voskhres, Smachnoho, i
Z Velykodnem!

Baba Raisa

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You can get all recipes you need, in time for Easter!

200 recipes in paperback and instant ebook. This is .pdf with same content as book, and you can print individual recipes. Many people glue recipe to cardboard and prop on counter.

At 400 pages, this is most complete Ukrainian cook book available! Filled with stories from refugees of Communist and Nazi purges.


"Five Stars! Excellent recipes & very entertaining. Hilarious!!!!"~Sylvia Senchuk

"What a fantastic read!!!! On my bedside table when not being used in the kitchen. A must read for anyone interested in Ukrainian cooking and culture."~Lesia Dorniak-Wall

Paska Leanndra Currie

LeAnnda Currie.


ONE Pysanka Coin Available

Pysanka cpom 2023

Visit Baba's Department Store

I have beautiful Ukrainian jewelry, Easter cards, pysanka mugs and candles!

Burg gerdan detail my photo
rd blkTasslsw earrings
White shawl2

Sacred Beauty Easter Book

Profits to Ukrainian Army!

78 stunning photos of Easter baskets, paska, babka and pysanky from around the world. Donated by your fellow Ukrainian Soul newsletter subscribers.

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Zazzle New Year Collage Dec 17

Scroll down for Reviews of Baba's Kitchen & more Easter supplies!

my face in egg

Buy Me a Coffee!

Baba Raisa has been sending out this newsletter for nine years now, at no cost to you. It is full of recipes and Ukrainian cultural treasures she has composed. The recipes are in addition to the 200 in her book, made especially for this Ukrainian Soul news.

Would you show your appreciation by buying her a coffee? CLICK below!

Smachnoho, Poopchik!

Kind regards,
Baba Raisa


Reviews for Baba's Kitchen

"It is a very entertaining cookbook with all the stories that are written by the author that sounds exactly like you would imagine a grandmother (baba) from the Ukraine would sound like. There are some very helpful hints and authentic recipes in this book. I bought 3 more to give as gifts."~Anne-Ly Bordenuk

"Hysterically funny and full of wit & wisdom. As a wee ukie kid growing up with a traditional family in the rural prairies, this book is peppered with truth, memories and the recipes for the delicious morsels that Baba used to lovingly prepare & feed to us. A+++ would recommend."~Jamie Derhak

Ukrainian Proverbs

▪ If every fool wore a crown, we would all be kings.
▪ Good health is above wealth.
▪ No matter how hard you try, the bull will never give milk.
▪ Saying and doing are two different things.
▪ The wise learn by other other's mistakes; fools by their own.
If every fool wore a crown, we would all be kings.
Good health is above wealth.
No matter how hard you try, the bull will never give milk.
Saying and doing are two different things.
The wise learn by other other's mistakes; fools by their own.

Do you care about animal welfare? Please read!

Baba has had bunnies all her life. They are NOT low maintenance. This is lie so pet store can sell you expensive cage and food. Bunnies live up to 19 years, require very expensive "Exotic" vet care, spacious indoor living arrangement, and special food.

They need to be neutered early, or will become aggressive and hump/bite/spray you and your kids. 80% of unspayed does develop uterine cancer.

They are very social, and need hours of companionship, play and exercise daily. They are easily litterbox trained, but you must keep box very clean. They make 300 poops daily, and pee 4X as much as cat!

They need constant supply of hay, which is extremely messy. Pellets are not good for them. Pellets were invented to fatten rabbits. My 6 lb. bunny goes through 3 lbs. timothy hay weekly!

80% of bunnies die in first year due to neglect. They do not belong outdoors, or stuck in cage. This is cruelty. Please visit House Rabbit Society to learn how to care.

Children do not have maturity to provide complete care for pet. But you should. Do your research.

Please Adopt, Don't Shop.

Hey, why you get your kid fertility symbol, anyway? You looking for teen pregnancy? Sheesh.

cPatti Latyshko Mississauaga

Patti Latyshko

cHelen Goshulak Pysanky

Helen Goshulak

Jesus Ukrainian-003
Easter church vintage
Baba on scooter cropt
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