College Awards Letters Have a High School Senior heading off to college in September? If so, then you have probably already received an Awards Lette


College Awards Letters

financial aid
college awards letter

Have a High School Senior heading off to college in September?

If so, then you have probably already received an Awards Letter from their college of choice similar to the one on the left?

Was your offer fair???

Are there extenuating circumstances that would sway the Financial Aid office to give you more money???

How are you planning on paying the balance???

EFC + unmet need = $$$


This week I got a referral to a family nervous about how to pay the $52,000 the school is looking for next year!

Their son received his Financial Aid letter and is of course very excited about heading to school this Fall.

His parents though are worried about the high cost and debt and worry how they will pay for it.

The first thing I asked was what is the school offering since the amount owed is so large.

Looking at their Financial Aid Award letter I was shocked to see the school had offered them NO school based Financial Aid despite having a demonstrated financial hardship.

Was it an oversight? Was it an error?

Before committing yourself to $1000s in debt please be certain you received all that you should/could have!

If I can help please let me know.

This family is appealing the award and will hopefully get substantially more funds from the school without the need for substantial debt!

Contact me with any questions or comments.
Have a nice weekend!

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Scott Maibor
Safe Money Sherpa/Disability Evangelist
Voluntary Benefits of New England
2 Neptune Road
Boston MA 021

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