What Now~5th Dimensional Consciousness from L'Aura Pleiadian NOTE from Colleen: Yesterday after our webinar, I spent a couple of hours in meditation

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What Now~5th Dimensional Consciousness

from L'Aura Pleiadian

NOTE from Colleen: Yesterday after our webinar, I spent a couple of hours in meditation. I received the exact same message as L'Aura has received from the Pleiadeans. Stay in the Now. Love the synchronicity. It keeps me aware of the magic of the times we live in and my connection to my I AM Presence.

Stay Empty, Stay Grateful and Stay PRESENT. All Now.

Stay in 5th Dimensional Consciousness!

Stay Present with what you KNOW Now.

Stay Accepting.

Stay with Practising ~STAYING PRESENT.


If you slip in and out of Staying Present, where you begin to experience IMMENSE Joy and Bliss and then it seems to slip away and you seem to fall back into experiences of worry and doubt (3D Consciousness) MOVE your Awareness into the Now Moment (5th Dimensional Consciousness) and APPLY “accepting” everything NOW.

If you are Still Experiencing MANY Energetic Symptoms, such as Dizziness, STAY Accepting and PRESENT, Now.

IF things are not as you anticipated them to be (3D Consciousness) STAY PRESENT and Accept, everything Now.

Stay Present. Accept EVERYTHING. And ALLOW the Miracle of your Presence to UNFOLD for you ~ an Existence that is FAR GREATER than you could ever imagine.

Accept, ALLOW, Flow, Be Present and Accept again. And stay Present. This is 5th Dimensional Consciousness. Now.

I Accept ALL that is placed in front of me as my Experience, Now.

I Stay Present. Now.


I am OPEN to receive a life FAR Greater than I could ever imagine. Now.

I let go of all thoughts of how I want to feel and how I want things to look, and I now Receive the GRACE, The Gratefulness, the Love, the Beauty, and the Miraculous knowing of My Divinity ~ All Now.

I live a Miraculous Life, Now.

I ACTIVATE you in this and HOLD you in the MIRACULOUS Light of The Greatest Life far beyond anything you could ever Imagine! All Now.

In the Sacred Grace, Eternal Love and Illuminated Light of All That is~ I Am.



Accept, ALLOW, Flow, Be Present and Accept again. And stay Present. This is 5th Dimensional Consciousness. Now.

I Accept ALL that is placed in front of me as my Experience, Now.

I Stay Present. Now.


I am OPEN to receive a life FAR Greater than I could ever imagine. Now.

I let go of all thoughts of how I want to feel and how I want things to look, and I now Receive the GRACE, The Gratefulness, the Love, the Beauty, and the Miraculous knowing of My Divinity ~ All Now.

I live a Miraculous Life, Now.

I ACTIVATE you in this and HOLD you in the MIRACULOUS Light of The Greatest Life far beyond anything you could ever Imagine! All Now.

In the Sacred Grace, Eternal Love and Illuminated Light of All That is~ I Am.




Changing our perceptions and recognizing when we are reacting from our habitual, old paradigm perspectives is key as we anchor in 5th dimensional thoughts and choices. The month of September's mind-bending, heart opening, activational energies came in to help us break free from our old paradigm's 3D behavioral patterns. Daily practice living in the NOW.

Here's what some attendees from PAO's webinar on Perceptions had to say:

Dearest Sheldan and Colleen: We loved loved loved this webinar. Thank you both for all of your deep care and continuous stream keeping us abreast of the latest. Our Galactic Family came through with such reassurance, uplifting messages and bundles of love. This will for sure be the GIFT to give another. Selamat Ja! Virgil and Tazz (Tazz & Paula Radio Show)

Thanks Colleen and Sheldan, I loved the webinar----I truly feel that I am well on my way to returning to my True Self. Changing perceptions has been a major focus for me. Love, Donna

In my opinion, “Our Changing Perceptions are Transforming Reality” was the best webinar I’ve ever watched of yours. It’s not easy going through what we signed up for but at least we understand what’s happening to us. Thanks. WR


This is a great webinar to add to your library.

A Fluid Galactic Report...now ready for downloading...

Webinar preview: Redefining Prosperity

The GF tuned in to our collective needs, and Sheldan translated their message to us.


Usually, when PAO prepares a Webinar, we know in advance what the topics will be. But in July’s unique Live Webinar, for the very first time, the Galactic Federation transmitted to Sheldan, instantaneously, a fluid Galactic report on our progress.

You will learn how our light body integrations are being accelerated, and be given new information on the abundance program.

To order Webinar 65 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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