Safety Plan for Immigrant Families in Light of Trump Deportation Plan Trump's executive order calls for a massive expansion in detention by requiring

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Safety Plan for Immigrant Families in Light of Trump Deportation Plan

Trump's executive order calls for a massive expansion in detention by requiring ICE to detain nearly everyone it apprehends including those with no criminal convictions.

Attorney Gail Seeram wants to help you and provides a list of recommended actions and steps that should be taken to put in place a safety plan for your family - READ MORE

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trumpaddress words not match the reality of his actions

He may have sounded presidential during speech to Congress but irreparable damage already done in first 30 days as President. During speech he promises immigration reform and suggest a merit-based immigration system.

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Inspection of cell phones and digital devices at borders, airports and port of entry of ALL seeking admission to U.S.

Follow our suggestions on how to prepare your cell phone and digital devices for inspection by U.S. Immigration officials - READ MORE

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Who is subject to expedited removal/deportation under Trump Executive Order?

1. Individuals with final order of removal/deportation who already saw a judge and had hearing but are still in the U.S.
2. If an individual being detained elects to "waive a hearing to see a judge" and opts to be removed/deported without a judicial hearing.
3. Individuals who enter the U.S. illegally without inspection in the past two (2) years.

In all other situations where an individual is detained, he/she must see an immigration judge before removed/deported and this process can 1-2 years.


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