
Speak Positively, Show Kindness & Share Hope ... Compassionate Communication!

When we pay attention to our communication, we improve the odds of strengthening and deepening our most meaningful relationships.

The reality is that words that are carelessly spoken, responses that are harsh and the sheer lack of common decency are always painful ... and more than that they have the power to destroy.

Pay attention to all of these things when engaging with others.

Relationships are damaged when we fail to monitor these things. Moral is eroded and honestly, we do great harm with every misstep we make in this arena.

Speak Positively, Show Kindness & Share Hope ... Compassionate Communication!

In reality, how we perceive determines how we will proceed ... so we need to take a pause to prayerfully consider how best to position ourselves for 'compassionate communication'.

Take into account what you want to say and why. Even if difficult things need to be addressed, it can be done in a kind manner and resolved in a way that does not take away hope.

Our communication should never leave people without hope ... not for a second! Neither should it be done in such a way that it removes kindness and positivity.

If these things are absent then we will fail at 'compassionate communication' and that is a colossal failure.

Speak Positively, Show Kindness & Share Hope ... Compassionate Communication!

Our words define the realities of our hearts!

Hard to hear I know, but it true ... the Word of God confirms this to us in more than one place and our own hearts convict us when we speak, act or move without compassion.

How we perceive determines how we will proceed ... so because we are committed to 'compassionate communication' it will be critical for us to ...

▪ Speak Positively - frame up the words that you want to say
▪ Show Kindness - find a way to say it clearly and kindly
▪ Share Hope - finish by promoting hope
Speak Positively - frame up the words that you want to say
Show Kindness - find a way to say it clearly and kindly
Share Hope - finish by promoting hope

Obviously, this will not be spontaneous, self-serving or a stinging rebuttal ... no, above all else it must be - 'compassionate communication'.

There is no other way ... sincerely ... there is no other way.

A challenging call, no doubt ... and one that will require us to make major changes ... but in responding with 'compassionate communication' we do demonstrate Christ in the purest kind of way!

- Terry -

Thank you for standing with us ... always and in every way!




Believe In Each Other

Take Care Of Each Other

Stay Close To Each Other

Pray Over Each Other


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