News & Quick-bits - 22 November 2018 Know Your Remedy: Berberis vulgaris (Berb.) An important remedy for neuralgic pain or colic of any part of the

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News & Quick-bits - 22 November 2018

Berberis - cropped

Know Your Remedy: Berberis vulgaris (Berb.)

An important remedy for neuralgic pain or colic of any part of the body but especially the joints, muscles and the urinary system. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy for Nail Fungus

When fungus affects the nail, it's called onychomycosis. When it's between the toes or on the feet, it's commonly called athlete's foot or tinea. Homeopathy helps both.
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Remedies for Plants and Animals

Q: "Did you know that homeopathic remedies can help weak, pest-infested, and frost-damaged plants—and can even build them up" The same is true for animals. Read more | Comment


Homeopathic Phosphorus

From the good doctors at the BHA. “Phosphorus may be used to treat serious disease, such as epilepsy, liver conditions, including hepatitis, arthritis and destructive bone diseases." Read more | Comment

Special Offers

This Week's Special Offers

Offer 1: $5.00 Berberis vulgaris (Berb.) 30C Pills - 70% Off!
Build your kit with $5 remedies - a different one each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off ELEVEN NEW Infection-Related Complexes
Save $5.70 a bottle on these new Complexes. More info | Buy now

Offer 3: $10.00 off First Aid Kits
Each kit comes with a handy prescriber booklet for home-help or emergencies. More Info | Buy now

Specials end midnight on Monday, 26th November, 2018 (UTC/GMT -8 hours). Read more


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Five People with Five Colds

Are you a clever home prescriber? Here are five groups of symptoms from five different colds. Which remedy would you choose? Read on to find out if you were right. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy for Antibiotic Resistance

Research shows homeopathy avoids and treat antibiotic resistance infections in humans and animals, and without risky side-effects. Read more | Comment


Remedies for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorders have increased to where most of us now know someone who repeatedly washes, checks their locks, or counts in patterns. Homeopathy helps. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy in Epidemics

"Not only was homeopathy clearly more effective than vaccines for preventing swamp fever, it was also a much more cost effective solution..."
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