October/November 2016 Hello, Friends! Psalm 91 is well-known as chock full of promises of God's help and protection.  "Safe Place" is pretty much P


October/November 2016

Hello, Friends!

Psalm 91 is well-known as chock full of promises of God's help and protection.  "Safe Place" is pretty much Psalm 91 set to music.  What better way to remember the text of this powerhouse of promise than by repeated listenings? 

Music helps a message bypass our resistance to progress (change) and helps cement it in our minds and meditations, where we need it.  "I have hidden Your word in my heart..." (Psalm 119:11)

Give it a listen in my TunePort app. 

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I reported last newsletter that "You Make Me Smile" was the last song of the album, but somehow I had missed "Safe Place.".  That pushes the formal release back to November 15. 

(Of course, if you contribute to GoFundMe, you can get the album for free!)  Please do chip in and help me keep a roof over my studio!  :)

Hey, Let's Talk!

I love to respond to comments on my website, on YouTube, on Facebook, and so on, so please drop a word whenever you can!  Let me know what you think of "Safe Place"!  I'd love the feedback!

Thanks for engaging and listening and subscribing!  God’s peace to you!



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If you’re on this list, you probably either opted in from my website (ChristianStaudt.Studio-Ondesq.com) or became my fan on a music site like Music Xray or Reverb Nation.

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