Balance Your Brain. Optimize Your Life.At The Shambhala Life Extending Wellness Center Brainwave Optimization® has helped over 100,000 people worldw

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Balance Your Brain. Optimize Your Life.

At The Shambhala Life Extending Wellness Center

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Brainwave Optimization® has helped over 100,000 people worldwide to deal with stress, trauma and overcome physical and mental challenges.

Safe and non-invasive, it helps individuals who wish to make positive life changes, ultimately from the inside out.

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The Brainwave Optimization® process begins with an assessment to create a custom starting place for your unique brain. Most clients will begin with a series of four to seven two-hour sessions usually over a course of two to five days (called a Brainwave Optimization Intensive).

Many clients may notice a shift within a session or two. At the end of the week a client can see how their own brain has started moving itself towards a more flexible state. Frequently, some of the most meaningful benefits are experienced several weeks to months after sessions are completed.

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Release Stress. Enhance Relaxation.

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Brainwave Optimization is helpful for children and adults alike

Stress and trauma undermine our overall well-being. Whether physical and/or emotional stress, it can cause the brain to get “stuck”. The brain is our master regulator and therefore key to mediating the effects of stress on the body, its systems and overall well-being. Brainwave Optimization® helps the brain, help itself, to get “unstuck” and return to a state of optimal functioning.

Peak Your Performance. Improve Sleep.

Brainwave Optimization harnesses the power of advanced computing technology to create a high-definition Acoustic Brain Mirror™. This real-time reflection of brainwave activity generates a pattern of music-like tones, which in turn supports and accelerates the brain’s ability to achieve deep states of relaxation where it can fully let go and reset itself. Trauma and chronic stress can overwhelm the brain – when the brain resets itself, it self-optimizes to improve well-being and return to a highly capable state.

Meditation. Prayer. Mindfulness.

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Buddha Maitreya the Christ also offers a weekly OM Meditation. This is a planetary healing meditation you can join live online from anywhere.

We are proud to be one of the first certified providers to offer the new (and first 4 channel eeg) Meditation, Prayer & Mindfulness protocols as part of the Brainwave Optimization Intensive.

Meditation has numerous health benefits and has been proven to enhance the ability to focus and perform cognitive processing, increase mind-body connection, support intuition and ability to “know” or discern intuitively, boost energy reserves and stamina. Meditation helps enhance self-insight, morality, intuition and fear modulation.

The Wellness Center & Retreat

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A sanctuary for the Soul, Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Monastery sits on top of a mountain in Lake County, Northern California. The Wellness Center is located in the North West Dome shown on the bottom right of the picture.


Call 877-444-SOUL (7685) to learn more about this life changing technology and schedule an Brainwave Optimization Intensive retreat.

One of several cutting edge wellness services offered by Buddha Maitreya the Christ and his wife, Mandarava Tara at the Shambhala Life Extending Wellness Center - located within the grounds of Buddha Maitreya the Christ's Shambhala Planetary Healing Monastery in Lake County, Northern California.

Brainwave Optimization is also available at our UK Soul Therapy Meditation Dharma Center in Glastonbury. Call +44 (0) 1458 898221 for more information.

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