You are cordially invited to these upcoming events: 2015 Mar 3rd - Tue at 6:00 PM DENNIS BERNSTEIN: Transformational Figures that have Changed Histo

2014 Upcoming Events

You are cordially invited to these upcoming events:

Dennis Bernstein

2015 Mar 3rd - Tue at 6:00 PM
DENNIS BERNSTEIN: Transformational Figures that have Changed History.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation and open discussion by the well known host of Flashpoints at KPFA Radio..
Location: Mt. Diablo Peace Center - 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 - (925) 933-7850
Website - Details - RSVP

William Scott

2015 Mar 19th - Thu at 6:00 PM
WILLIAM SCOTT: The power of thought in creating our lives.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by one of our most experienced intuitive healers who will focus on the power of our own thoughts in creating our lives and in providing the tools to access higher frequencies for restoring our wellbeing.
Location: Penthouse at 3800 Vista Oaks Drive, Martinez, CA - Access through the back patio.
Website - Details - RSVP

Sasha Lessin

2015 Mar 26th - Thu at 6:00 PM
SASHA LESSIN, PhD: Imprints from the Gods of Ancient Sumer – Anunnaki Curses & Boons for Humanity.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by an Anthropologist and Zecharia Sitchin scholar who collaborated with Sitchin to create college-level courses that revise our historically documented – and much suppressed – early origins.
Location: IONS - Institute of Noetic Sciences Campus - 101 San Antonio Rd. - Petaluma, CA
Website - IONS Invite - Details - RSVP

Grant Cameron

2015 Apr 1st - Wed at 6:00 PM
GRANT CAMERON: Where Good Ideas Come From. Consciousness & the UFO Phenomena.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by the Canadian researcher and author of 4 books on the UFO phenomena and on the source of our inspirations and downloads.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences Campus - 101 San Antonio Rd. - Petaluma, CA 94955
Website - Details - IONS Invite - RSVP

Grant Cameron

2015 Apr 3rd - Friday at 6:00 PM
GRANT CAMERON: The hidden connections between the UFO phenomena and the interests of the military/industrial complex
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by the Canadian author winner of the 2012 International Researcher of the Year at Leeds UFO conference in the UK, and Researcher of the Year at the 2013 International UFO Congress in Phoenix, AZ.
Location: Mt. Diablo Peace Center - 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 - (925) 933-7850
Website - Details - RSVP

Richard Dolan

2015 Apr 23rd - Thu at 6:00 PM
RICHARD DOLAN with STEPHEN BASSETT: A.D. - After Disclosure - How our World May Look After Governments Reveal the Truth About Alien Contact.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by two authorities of the UFO/ET issue who will brief us on the international erosion of the truth embargo and will explore likely scenarios after Disclosure.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences Campus - 101 San Antonio Rd. - Petaluma, CA 94955
Website - Details - RSVP

Mickey Huff

2015 May 5th - Tue at 6:00 PM
MICKEY HUFF: Introducing Project Censored 2015
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by the director of Project Censored, teaching DVC students investigative journalism by identifying the most significant censored news stories in the US, and to figure out why they were suppressed.
Location: Mt. Diablo Peace Center, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 - (925) 933-7850
Website - Details - RSVP

Patrick Kronfli

2015 May 7th - Thu at 6:00 PM
PATRICK KRONFLI & JOHNATHAN HUMAN: Unify the World - Producing and applying the effects of Synchronized Meditation among millions of people around the globe.
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by the founders of - an open source community tapping the power of global meditation.
Location: Earthrise at IONS - 101 San Antonio Rd. - Petaluma, CA 94955
Website - Details - IONS Invite - RSVP


2015 Jun 18th - Thu at 6:00 PM
MARILYN SCHLITZ, PhD: Emerging Worldviews
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by the clinical research scientist and medical anthropologist that used to run IONS and now has a rare opportunity to freely explore the subjects that attract her the most.
Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences Campus - 101 San Antonio Rd. - Petaluma, CA
Website - Details - RSVP

Marietta Fahey

2015 Jun 23rd - Tue at 6:00 PM
Sister MARIETTA FAHEY: Peace Within - Teaching and fostering Human Development
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by a compassionate and much needed educator of Human Development.
Location: Probably in Walnut Creek - Please RSVP and you will be notified.
Website - Details - RSVP

To reserve space for yourself and your guests, please click on RSVP.

To find a carpool partner, login and at the Events page see Who's Coming

You can learn more about our speakers' work by visiting their websites, reading their books, watching the videos of past events and by making direct contact through our network.

Sergio Lub



Following are Videos and Pictures of some recent gatherings. For a more complete list please see our Past Events

Georgia Kelly

2015 Feb 17th - Tue at 6:00 PM
GEORGIA KELLY: Seminar & Tour to Mondragon Cooperatives in Spain.
Website - Details - RSVP

Toni Antoinette Johns  PhD

2015 Feb 7th - Sat at 8:00 AM
TONI ANTOINETTE JOHNS, PhD: Creating a Peaceful School - By the Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center
Website - Video - Pictures

Elizabeth A. Rauscher

2015 Jan 22nd - Thu at 6:00 PM
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Diane Powell

2014 Dec 3rd - Wed at 6:00 PM
DIANE HENNACY POWELL, MD: Telepathic Children - Connecting Autism with Psychic Phenomena
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Tom Greco

2014 Oct 30th - Thu at 6:00 PM
TOM GRECO: The Evolution of Money and its Potential to Improve Humanity
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Bruce Damer

2014 Sep 18th - Thu at 6:00 PM
Dr. BRUCE DAMER: Re-visioning Origins: from Cosmogenesis to Life's Emergence; from Eleusis to the Evolution of Civilization.
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Mary Barr

2014 Aug 21st - Thu at 6:00 PM
MARY BARR & STEVE REICHMUTH: Aliens Answer. Hypnotic Induction Communication with Han, an Extraterrestrial Being.
Book - Details - Video - Pictures

Declan Kennedy

2014 Jul 28th - Mon at 6:00 PM
DECLAN KENNEDY: Examples of the many Solutions sprouting all over Gaia.
Website - Video - Pictures

Richard Moore

2014 Jul 16th - Wed at 6:00 PM
RICHARD KELLY MOORE: The Suppressed Electrical Universe Theory and its Importance for Understanding Climate Change.
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Rick Sterling

2014 Jul 15th
RICK STERLING: What is going on in the Middle East? - US Sponsored Terrorism and Sectarianism in Syria and Iraq
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Nungshi Malik

2014 Jun 12th & 16th
NUNGSHI MALIK and TASHI MALIK: Top Mountaineers and Role Models for India’s New Generation
Website- Details - Video 1 - Video 2 - Pictures 1 - Pictures 2

Miko Peled

2014 May 29th
MIKO PELED: Author of “The General’s Son” will share his vision for transforming Israel's apartheid system into a secular democracy.
Website - Details - Video - Pictures

Brad Olsen

2014 Apr 10th - Thu at 6:00 PM
BRAD OLSEN: Modern Esoteric, the occult knowledge today and humanity's first great awakening.
Website - Video

Kimberly and Foster Gamble

2014 Mar 6th
KIMBERLY & FOSTER GAMBLE: Thrive Movement – Empowering Solutions Worldwide
Website - See Thrive - Video - Pictures
