Rapper Rezzo killed at 22 A very bright future was cut short. Daniel Watkins Aka Rezzo was pronounce dead at 5 a.m August 7. Rezzo was visiting his

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Rapper Rezzo killed at 22


A very bright future was cut short.
Daniel Watkins Aka Rezzo was pronounce dead at 5 a.m August 7.
Rezzo was visiting his friends in Bakersfield, California and 3 masked gunmen kicked in the door and began their murderous rampage killing 3 people including Rezzo and 2 of his best friends and injuring 7 others. Rezzo was signed to Concore Entertainment in 2013 and he has a hot single out right now with Lil Wayne and Natalia Damini "Can't Stop Me". CCE CEO Charve The Don said "This is such a devastating loss not only to me but for the world, because Rezzo was gonna do great things and he was a great person, he was like a little brother I never had."


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